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So good to be with someone new..

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I just broke up with my girlfriend of three years for the second time. This time i'm not sitting arroung in my own self pity, obbsessing and depressing, no not this time


Last night i went out to the bar with my boys. I girl came up to me and said "my friend thinks your really cute." So i started talking to her and she came back to my house till 6 AM. we were making out all night, but it didn't lead to anything else. I think she was planning on having sex with me but then she realized she actually liked me as a person so she left and told me she was going to back tonight and spend the night.


It felt so * * * *ing great being with someone besides my ex. So liberating. It brought back my independence, my dignity, and me self confidence. This girl has already called me twice in the 10 hours since she has left my house.


Now the only problem is i like this girl, plan on seeing her again, and plan on having sex with her....but i dont want to have any type of serious relationship with her whatsoever. I dont really remember the rules of dating, or the rules of casual sex...because it has been so damn long. How can i approach this situation and get what i want without her developing an attachment? (she knows i just broke off a long term relationship so i doubt she is looking for me to commit)

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First let me say the good part is that you are not wallowing in self pity and obsessing over your ex , or becoming depressed as many people do after breakups .

However, I am not an advocate of casual sex, so I guess I have no advice for you on the question you asked. As diggitydave said, I guess ,"to each his own" , on the choices you make.

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I'm not really a fan of casual sex either. I put alot of value into sex...usually. Right now after being committed to my ex for so damn long, i just need something else to take my mind off it and realize that there are still other girls out there.



She realised she liked you as a person so she didn't stay last night but she's still coming back tonight to spend the night?! I'm not sure I get the logic of that at all


Sorry if i didn't really explain the situation good. I have a wicked hangover . This girl is somewhat slutty. We actually talked about it last night. When she first came back to my house i think she was planning on having sex with me and then not talking to me again. But i was really nice and respectful to her. We talked all night. I think she began to see me as a good guy(possible boyfriend material). So she left without having sex with me so i don't think she is a s1ut. She wants more from me then just sex i think....

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I disagree about women not feeling the condom when inside. But I am sure each woman has an individual thought on this. For me I do feel it and feel the difference. I was married for 28 years to one man, in a faithful monogamous relationship. Rarely did we ever have to use condoms because I was on the birth control Then later we were having children and when we were done with children, he had the vasectomy. After my husband died and I became involved in dating and had a new boyfriend, I insisted on condoms a this point in life. The sex with a condom was no where nearly as pleasurable as with out. Yes I could actually feel the condom inside. However even with the decreased sensation and being able to feel the condom itself, I would never ever have unprotected sex at this point in my life.

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Hmmmm. She's a slút if she has a ONS/sleeps with you on the same day she's met you...but what does that make you then? A Stud?


I see what your saying, but i think mine and her situations are a little different. I have been in a monogomous committed relationship for 3 years. Right now i just want some rebound sex before i find another serious relationship. On the other hand, i think she has been sleeping with random guys she picks up at the bar on a regular basis.

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Just remember, that , having sex tends to lead to a feeling of "connection" unless you are pretty cold and can separate the two. If you like the sex with her one time, what makes you think you won't want more. And then what if she isn't that into sex with you and says "goodbye". Don't you think that will make you feel like crap also? I wouldn't be having sex with this girl to try to make yourself happy and take your mind off your ex.... Hobbies are better for that! Just because you can have sex with someone doesn't mean you should...


My personal opinion.

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