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My promise to myself and enotalone...


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Hi guys,


A lot of you have helped me out here and I really appreciate it. But I think there is a time I will need to let go a bit. I need to learn to make my own decisions and make mistakes and learn from them. I was compulsively posting on this website and another (a fun one for law students) and I think a lot of it was to escape from my troubles and making decisions for myself.


I've just realized that I really can't do this anymore... I remember there was a time at the beginning of this year when I was making a conscious effort to change and it actually worked. It was my first essay of the year and I wasn't totally confident about what I was handing in, but I was proud of the fact that I got it done on time and told myself "you have to stop and just make a decision" when I wasn't sure. I got a B- on that essay, which was the lowest mark I've gotten on an essay this year. But the good thing was that I didn't drag it on and drag out other assignments at the same time.


I think the biggest problem in my life now is I tend to overanalyze and as someone else said, engage in 'analysis paralysis.' So I am going to make a conscious effort to change that... I've already talked with people about it (a psychology grad student & a friend) and they gave me advice and I think I can change.


So I won't be posting for a while hopefully. I just have to learn to live with my mistakes and embarrassments and not dwell in them. Thanks for being there when I needed you, often just to share my stresses.



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I think many people here have gone through this this same thought process. It's warm and safe here at enotalone, and a bit scary out in the real world. Analysis paralysis can definitely be a crutch, and sometimes what we really need is to let go a little, get out a little, and get movin' a lot. NC from enotalone is tough! Good luck, Lily girl! You'll be great. Hug.

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Lily I have been where you have and still in a process of working out my issues. I am also handling my demons. I have been told that I too have overanalyzed so many times. So kudos to you in moving on and doing well.


Enotalone has been very helpful in allowing people to regain the confidence to face their issues once they are healed from receiving advise and venting their frustrations

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