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it is so tempting to think that, but they are your EX. That means EX partner, not partner. They made a big statement when they broke up with you, as in... finito...


That means its time to focus on you, and whats best for you. But your heart and your mind are locked in a madening battle, what you THINK you should do is very likely to be the WORST thing you can. Some people breakup and get back together and its better, others it is perminant and for good reason.


You have to get to the point where you don't *need* the person (or contact with them) in your life, or you will be no use in a relationship... whether with your ex or another.

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I am also thinking about this same issue.


I think we "broke" up because she thought I wasn't interested in her. When she told me a bunch of stuff over the phone it sort of confused me so I stepped back from the situation.


I can see how you might be worried about this. I guess, it depends on why she broke up with you and if you communicated clearly your feelings. I think for me, I said that I really liked her and I wanted to get to know her more, but, maybe for a girl, that isn't enough.... oh well, I will give it some more time since she hasn't returned my phone call from last week.

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