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shes not ready


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Just talk about it with her. Tell her how you fell, try to figure out what's going on with her, if she is afraid, not in love with you, not sure of herself and how she'll do, poor self-image, doesn't like her body, etc. Get to the bottom of it...

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well for a girl its a really big deal so my advice is to wait its not all that bad if youre really into her this is a good thing beacuse waiting showes her that thats not all that u want and its never good to have a relationship based on sex because they never last you could talk to her about it but if shes not ready dont pressure her b/c you dont want her to feel regret trust me it will be so much better when she wants it

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I strongly think you should not push her. If she doesn't want to, accept it. The worst - and most selfish - thing you could possibly do would be to try and force her into doing something she is not prepared for. If/when she is ready, that will be the right time. Not one moment sooner.

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