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Revenge is too sweet to NC...

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I need to get him drunk, make out with him (he's the type to do something like that), get his girlfriend to find out, and then as a result dump him. thereforeeee he will be in pieces. Just like he left me in pieces.


A comment he made the other day that really frustrated me "I always get what I want..."

I was about to make a scheming remark in return until I realised I couldn't. He got ME when he wanted me. He told me to wait. He told me a lot of things. He ended it. He's got a new girl really fast.


So actually, I couldn't object to his comment. It makes me angry.

I know you're all going to tell me to move on and that I shouldn't dwell. But I want him to feel how I feel. And I want to know I caused that feeling. I hate the fact that he had/has such power over me. And he's around me so much (college). This is what will give me decent closure.

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Trust me, he will feel how you feel. His lifestyle will take care of that for you. It might take time, but karma, fate, God, whatever you choose to believe in will balance things out. If you did what you described to him then you wouldn't be any better than he is and you would bring yourself down in the process, resulting in the same feelings you feel now.

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I certainly won't tell you to "just move on"...although ultimately that's what you need to do. When you're hurting...it's normal to want the person who hurt you...to feel pain too. I have definetly been there. The truth is.....letting them see how HAPPY you are without them is the BEST way to hurt someone that dumped you. Even if they don't show it outwardly...inside they are most likely second guessing their decision. Not allowing someone the benefit of being in your life again is also a way to hurt them. Ironically...you doing NOTHING is what is most likely to hurt them most. Think about it.

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I had an ex in college who right after we broke up had her ex over like the next week. I know how that feels. ugh. I am pretty sure after I come out of this I can walk through fire on broken glass while drinking sour milk and getting 15 root canals at the same time. I would probably do all that now if it meant taking this away. hehe ok im extreme




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In your situation it is very easy to be reactive. If you are reactive to the situation (as in you give in to things which happen outside your environment), you will feel pain in the long term.


revenge is a very reactive response to a situation. This might make you feel better in the short term, but in the long term you will dwell on your actions and discover that revenge is not the right thing to do. You are seeking self-justification and validation from your ex. By getting him drunk, you are giving in to his own actions! you are guided by your ex's actions. If you seek revenge, he will still be control of you, cos your actions are hinged on how your ex reacts! you may not be able to see this, but it is true.


Do you really want to lower yourself to his level? no! you are better than that. By not giving into revenge you will not prove how great you are to every1, you will be telling yourself what a great person you are and that is far more important.

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