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I met this girl a few weeks ago, we've bumped into each other 4-5 times since then, she was quite flirty with me, and apparetly she has been asking other people about me, quite regularly infact, so i passed on my number to her as you would and a few days ago she sent me a text message, so we got chattin for a while and then i phoned her on the night, we had a chat but she had to go, anyway she phones me back later on and we had another long chat, i got the idea she was quite interested in me... as it seemed that way, anyway during the phone call she mentioned that she has a boyfriend but this really confused me as I thought she was going to make a move and ask me out, but anyway we carried on talking and she has been phoned me twice daily since this happened a few days ago, we then met up again today for 10 minutes and once again she was quite flirty with me, IM SO CONFUSED, what is she doing? what is she trying to achieve? Shes already pointed out that she isnt interested in me as a boyfriend, im not really bothered by that but i just wanna know whats going on, it doesnt make much sense to me.


Anyone? got any ideas?

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SOrry I only just read this, if you're still in the same situation, Do nothing, tell her that seeing as she has a BF and you're not the type of person who could go behind another guys back,it's best that she doesn't keep in touch. Tell her that if every she is free and single again to look you up.

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That's pretty good advice. If she's just looking for a fling when her boyfriend isn't around, tell her you're not interested. Does she do this with any of her other friends? Maybe it's just her way of showing that she likes you as a friend...

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