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On the pill...Could I still be pregnant?


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Hi there, I have been on Minestrine the birth control pill for almost 2 years straight. I have never missed a pill, and am super religious about taking it. I have an alarm that goes off at 9pm every night at take it then. I usually get my period pretty reguarly, but a few times when I have been stressed with school or something, it will be late but I always get it in the week off of the pill.


However, I stopped taking the pill this last Saturday, meaning that I should have gotten my period on monday or tuesday. But it is now Thurday night and it still isn;t here. I am getting worried. I have told my boyfriend and he is freaking out. We haven;t even had a lot of sex this month only 2 times beause he has been away. I have been stressed and stuff, but am not sure what to do. I have been so responsible. I am just wondering, like I have heard that the pill takes a while to get out of your system, and that even after you stop taking it, you still wont get pregnant for a while. Also, like, is it possible to miss your period while on the pill? ANy help would be great, Thanks

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One of my exes missed a period even though she was on the off week of the pill, plus the stress isn't helping either. I wouldn't worry about it right now, just wait a few more days it may just be real late. I would suggest another method, but it is not so appropriate. Anyway a few times when my ex was late we wouldn't have "fun", but I would use my fingers and that seemed to loosen something and her period would kick in. I don't know just a thought.

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You take the pill daily because that's how long its effective. You can still get pregnant while taking the pill. Several other medications can interfere with the hormonal levels that prevent pregnancy. If you've had ANY sex you can get pregnant, it just takes once. Take a pregnancy test or go to the doctor to be sure. Don't keep asking "could I", pay the few $ and find out. Take of yourself

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I don't really have a ton of experience with this, but it happened to one of my friends once. She was on the pill and missed her period. She said it had something to do with the dosage. But until she went to the doctor and found that out she thought she might be pregnant. Anyway, I would suggest taking a pregnancy test and/or going to a doctor (who will probably do some kind of pregnancy test as well).

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DO you and your boyfriend use other birth control as well? No matter how good at taking the pill you are, you can still get pregnant. It's not 100% effective. And even though your chances are slim, there's still a small chance.. and that's should be taken seriously.


Have you been sick recently? Have you been eating right? Have you been stressed lately? All those things can effect your perioud. So try not to worry about it. If it doesn't come in the next couple of days, then take a test.

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I have been on the pill for 10 years. There have been a few times I can think of when my period came late, barely at all, or not at all. Like you, I worried. I immedidatly got a pregnancy test.


Keep in mind a "period" on the pill is not a real period. If you take the pill religiously, it's very unlikely you'd be pregnant (still statistically possible however)


There are some things that can interfere with the pill's effectivenss:


*taking certain antibiotics


*certain herbs- such as St. John's Wort


* Having a stomach/digestive ailment which would prevent the pill from being in your system as long as it needs to be: vomiting, loose stools, etc.



The best thing to do is to take a pregnancy test, for piece of mind.




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