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Hey man, its obvious she misses you etc, but honestly, the reason she hasnt called is because she is acting on emotions. She gets intense feelings of missing you, has to talk to you, then get ahold of you, makes plans with you. However almost immediately, once she has got her "fill", she feels better, she loses interest and doesnt follow through.

Im not going to tell you to give up on her and move on, cause if that is not what you wont, so it is pointless for me to say that. You know the majority of ppl here think you should, but it is ultimately your choice. However realize, first off, you are her second choice. The other guy broke up with her, she didnt with him cause she had to be with you.

Second, if you really want to make something happen, you are going to have to man up a bit, stand up for yourself, and not be such "a nice guy". Man she broke your heart, chose a loser over you, jerks you around, you cant give a f#% if shes tired driving home, not your problem (you can care, i would too, but in all honestly she ended it with you, that includes that kinda stuff, and she has to know this). Like i said, she gets her fill, sees you are still into her, and she relaxes immedaitely, im not saying this is on purpose, but she is satisifed and the need to see you is gone. A weak comparison, youre really hungry, thats all you can think about, but after you eat, are you still thinking about food?

You got to go longer without talking to her, if you want to know if her feelings are sinerce, you gotta have weeks (months?) of NC, so she cant just call you and feel better. She has to be alone when that happens, so she cant think "god i miss mark, i wonder what hes up to, he doesnt even want to talk to me, has he moved on?". By her knowing you are always a phone or a text or a email away, she never is going to feel she is losing you. I bet this is all going on in her head, she is just not aware of it all. My ex was the same way.

Honestly, make a stand, and move on. Its up to you what you want to do, either do it to really move on, or to see how she really feels. Either way, time to stop being a pushover, get your balls back from her lol, and get some serious distance between you two. If she really loves you, she will realize that, if not, well youre already on your way.

Just my thoughts, i was in a similar thing, best of luck

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....and this has helped you move on how?


You seem to ignore every bit of (very good) advice that is given to you. You have given your ex all the power and have absolutely none in this situation. She sees you as a doormat, and so would I in her position. As harsh as it sounds, you have to grow a backbone man because she is walking all over you.

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Why did you say that explains the temp out of service message?


That tells her you've tried to call her, u didnt have to disclose that.

Plus why did you agree to go to Costco with her to get a phone?


Plus I dont get this part

"She asked me to give her call.

She asked for a second if I wanted to hang out with her and her friends, But I said was going to a party. But when she sat back down I asked if she would like me to stay, but she then said no, because she didn't want to ignore her friends. So I said "OK" and left."


You contradicted yourself, u say ur going to a party, but then you quickly ask her if she would like you to stay??? If she wanted you to stay wouldnt she have asked? Even then once u said u had to go to a party, u should have left then. Plus instead of talking to her that long, why didnt you tell her to give you a call, and then leave?? That way its on her to give u a call.

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Um, Mark, I think you've lost your mind if you think that approach is going to work at getting her back. I was actually on your side with her having slept with someone else during hte "break" because I wouldn't want someone back either but damn, calling her names was low rent.


I do believe you've given up too much power and now you're retaliating. You vacillate between taking entirely too much responsibility for the breakup to lashing out at her for trivial things. I think you need to get control of your emotions or this thing isn't going to work. You're going to push her away and since she knows you're fully whipped you're losing ground. Women like whipped guys, but he has to know when to put his foot down when we get out of line. She's stringing you along to see how things go.


You're kind of acting like women do when they give away their power (sorry, I had to say it) and it's not working. It may be time to choose another approach and turn the tables.

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I read a little of your former postings about this relationship and realize why you hold yourself so responsible. The reason she's not giving into you is because you've had a lot of opportunities to show her how you feel about her, and you've essentially neglected her. I don't think it was just the cheating that did it. I think you don't really know how to open up and you seem to really want her only at the hour you can't have her. I know that I took back my ex who is a bit like you, only to have him do the same stuff shortly after we got back together. She's not sure if anything's going to be different and she's gunshy at this point.


I don't think trying to turn the tables is going to work in this situation because she sounds like she's had enough. I do maintain that you need to stop calling her names and gain emotional control. If you want to chnage to get her back, change. Show her through actions, not words what you would do to have her back. If my ex came back I WOULD still date others and I would wait a minimum of a few months before I took him back because I'd want to see if he's any different.


I think enotalone people know more of how you feel about her than she does. I think if she had known she might never have felt a need to sleep with someone else in the first place. Girls do become insecure when the one they love doesn't seem to have the same feelings.

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ill tell you exactly what u can do, break up w her, and get w me!!! YOU ARE HOTT.


LOL, thanks!


It's over guys. No need to worry.

I stopped by her place late last night. She was mad at me but offered to let me stay the night. I got into bed with her and tried to cuddle but she wouldn't. I asked what she did for the night she didn't answer right away. I found out she went on a date with the other guy. I got out of bed, put on my clothes and told her to never contact me again. Well, she rolled her eyes at me. Well, that set me off. I said some pretty nasty things, crushed some flowers that the guy bought for her and left. She was so pissed. On the way home I texted her some nasty messages about how I felt about her.


I realize my actions have been childish. I just was so frusterated and I just cannot deal with her. I've been down this road with her in the past. I think I said/texted such nasty things becuase I wanted to just seal the deal. I let things go way to far and it got the better of me. I'm more mad than hurt. I feel betrayed and used. I proceeded to text her a bunch of nasty thoughts. I'm sure I'll never hear from her again.


To answer the questions about her "poonannie" it was never that great anyway. She was pretty boring in bed and the other night reminded me of that. She only ever wanted missionary and usually finished first. She would appologize but just leave me out to dry. That was usually how it went. I used to have to try to finish. yay.

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To answer the questions about her "poonannie" it was never that great anyway. She was pretty boring in bed and the other night reminded me of that. She only ever wanted missionary and usually finished first. She would appologize but just leave me out to dry. That was usually how it went. I used to have to try to finish. yay.


What the h*** were you doing with her? You have spent all this time, and couldnt at least get good sex out of all this?

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Girls are supposed to finish first. I don't get it.


I hope you're kidding.


They aren't supposed to leave the guy out to dry.

Many times I wouldn't finish. Once she was done, she looked like she was in pain when I would keep going. So I would just stop and that would be it.

Then she would appologize and ask me what she should do.

God that was such a turn off.

What should you do??? How about not making me feel like I'm raping you after you finish. And at least do something to satisfy me besides saying "im sorry" and leaving me out to dry.

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No I'm not kidding but I didn't remember reading that she wouldn't let you finish. That's different, grasshopper. Kinda selfish. Does it take you an inordinate amount of time to get there? Say half an hour to an hour?

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No I'm not kidding but I didn't remember reading that she wouldn't let you finish. That's different, grasshopper. Kinda selfish. Does it take you an inordinate amount of time to get there? Say half an hour to an hour?


It depends. I can go a while. But she could finish right away sometimes.

I like to make things last a long time and enjoy the moment. But, she would take anywhere from 30 seconds to a few minutes.

I enjoy foreplay a lot, but she mostly wanted to skip that and go right to penetration.

Once she finished, she was no longer into it at all.

And that made it hard for me to stay in it, so I would get turned off and stop. I felt like I was hurting her or banging away at a dead body or something.

The first night she came over it went pretty well, very hot.

But the next night it was back to the old BS.

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I am reading this ....and eating popcorn. What a drama......


sweet huh!

I'm sure I won't hear from her after I texted a ton of nasty messages about what I though about her.

I went as far as saying "At lease I got to bang you one more time."

Bad stuff like that.

I never spoke like that before.

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Ah... Most women don't orgasm through penetration alone. And I know few that can do it in a minute. Lucky..


Maybe she didn't like sex that much. I still see no reason for her to get up and walk out. I know I wouldn't even get involved any further with a guy that didn't take care of me.


There's a myth that women want guys to last a long time. By that, I think they mean longer than 2 minutes. When it lasts half an hour or longer, you start thinking of all of the things you could be doing.


Wait, I think we're in teh wrong forum.

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Ah... Most women don't orgasm through penetration alone. And I know few that can do it in a minute. Lucky..


Maybe she didn't like sex that much. I still see no reason for her to get up and walk out. I know I wouldn't even get involved any further with a guy that didn't take care of me.


There's a myth that women want guys to last a long time. By that, I think they mean longer than 2 minutes. When it lasts half an hour or longer, you start thinking of all of the things you could be doing.


Wait, I think we're in teh wrong forum.


She would orgasm thru penetration.

I've made her orgasm with oral, but she prefers penetration.

She said it only affected her stomach though.

I remember it would go thru spasms.

After that, she was done. Didn't want any more.

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Love is great and sometimes wonderful - but only *if* it a two way street. I was in your position and my cousin sent me this with the quote


" What is your major malfunction, soldier????!!!"

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