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When you are depressed do you ever listen to songs that you were totally into say 10 years ago?


I am listening to some songs and I just burst into tears because 10 years ago I was so happy, and I couldnt wait to grow up, meet the man of my dreams, get married and have a family...


10 years ago, I NEVER would have thought that all the things happening to me now would have happened... if I had of known I would have made sure to change certain things so that what is happening now would have never happened...

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It's amazing how a song can bring you back to that moment and you can relive those memories when you hear a certain song...happens all the time with me - there are so many that when i hear them - i get caught in that moment, the feeling is amazing, whether it makes me cry, laugh, or just smile and yes, sometimes i do wish i was back in that moment cause it was that good.

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I pull out old songs to listen to all the time. As a friend said to me, music is the soundtrack to our lives. Songs can capture our feelings and emotions, both good and bad.


Life takes us down many unexpected roads. Things don't always work out as we plan. But there is a reason things happen the way they do, we just have to find the meaning. All the struggles we go through help us grown and lead us on the path to something good.

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ShySoul, I agree with you, music is the soundtrack to our lives. When I was in high school I used to tape songs off the radio and I still have those cassettes. Sometimes, I will take out the old cassettes and play them in a walkman that I have, when I want to reminisce about my high school days. One of my favorite songs is "Dreams" by the Cranberries.

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Sometimes when I hear a song on the radio it reminds me of a time I had fun with my friends, or it could remingd me of a person. Each one of my friends has at least one song that reminds me of them. I don't know what it is about music that makes us remember or think about certain things, but I like it.

(ok, I do know that hearing is closely tied with memory, which causes certain noises to set off certain memory reactions in our brain, but it sounded good right? lol. And either way, I still like it)

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i do it often. i love listening to the old 90s songs. they take me back...


i know i was only a wee child at the time, but i remember hearing those songs on the radio when life was soo much simpler. and even songs from just a few years ago, they always take me back to a place that i miss.

but be happy for now too

a while from now you will look back onto new songs, and hopefully they will also bring back good memories.

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When I am depressed I for some reason listen to sad songs...I dont understand that, maybe it is just a way for me to cry and let it all out. Then after a while I will listen to songs about (say for instance if a boyfriend broke up with you) the guy wanting you back, or im over you type songs. Songs during depression I believe help your heart to heal and make you realize that you are not the only person going through this situation, there are many others, and songs are based on real life, most anyways.

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I use music as a way to pretty much vent my emotions. I use to also play it.


Several songs take me back to mistakes I made. I remember when i packed all my stuff up in my car when me and my ex husband were getting divorced, a certain song was playing on the radio and I was crying to it. Plus my cat ( she was in the car with me ) got into my lap and started licking my face and I thought of it as some kind of comfort. ( silly i know). Anytime i hear that song, I think of that moment and all the pain I felt. It was just awful.

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