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How to tell if she's into me? - Emails, calls, invites, distance?


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Hi everyone


Long time lurker, relatively new poster. I would appreciate your help!


Sorry, could be a long one...


Last semester that was this girl in my class, who I thought was really attractive but I never said anything to her basically because I thought she was out of my league. No big deal.


As part of the class we were taking, we had to go do some practical training. So I rock up to the training and lo and behold this girl is there. We're the only ones signed up for that session. I introduced myself, pretending I didn't recognise her – she immediately mentioned that we were in the same class.


We have an hour to kill before we have to start the training. I go "so what are you gonna do?" and her reply is a "well I was just gonna do whatever you do". Eventually we end up at a café. Considering that I was staring down the barrel of spending at least 40mins with this girl who I thought was hot for a semester, well, I wasn't that nervous. Its a bit of a blur. Nothing earth shattering bout the talk, but not bad for two people who'd never met before. She may/may not have been fiddling with her necklace.


We did the practical training. Every now and then we'd catch each other's eye, but I was too stressed to really think about it. After it finished it was late and we walked back in the direction of my place. Again not earth shattering talk but definite good vibes and an arm touch from her. We reached mine and we stood making chit chat for a minute. I then offered to walk her to the bus stop nearby so we head over. As we sat down I asked for and got her email. The only other bits i really remember are that she said "I'm glad i did the training with someone interesting and not some nerd" and also another stage i cracked some semi-joke and she gave me a playful shove on the shoulder as she laughed. Anyway, we parted ways, with her saying "email me".


We had exams for the next few weeks so everyone was busy. I saw her a couple of times on campus but chickened out and didn't say anything. I eventually emailed her after two weeks. She replied after a few days, saying that she'd finished exams but had a few essays to do, but she was happy about freedom. She mentioned that if I was still in town (i had told her i'd gotten a xmas job in another city) then i should let her know if i'd be interested in the beach or day trip somewhere. I thought this was a good sign, so a couple of days after I asked her to coffee over email. She didn't reply till after the date i had suggested. she said she'd been busy finishing an essay, but then said "free from thursday, let me know". and she gave me her mobile number. By this stage I'd left town to start my xmas job, so I didn't call her for another week. She didn't answer so I left a text message asking her to call me back. She txted me back a few days later saying that she was also out of town and would call me.


She never did and over xmas i was pretty busy. I emailed her again mid-jan just to say hi. Not a long email - just to see if there was still contact. She replied after 10 days (with a long first paragraph apologising for the delay and emphasising that she didn't do it deliberately). In my email I mentioned i would be in town for a music festival - she suggested that if i were free a few days later that we should catch up. Obviously i couldnt because i had to go back for my xmas job - and i wrote that in another email. So i thought this is pretty good i got an invite from her, she wants to spend time together.


A few days later i got an email invite to her birthday drinks. I noticed that she cc'd it to lotsa people (mainly girls) but that my email was in bcc... I thought this is pretty good i'm being invited into her circle and we barely know each other, but then again maybe she's just sociable. I couldn't go to it (already had another bday that nite) so I called her on the day to wish her happy birthday. She seemed real happy to get the call and she was jokingly going "oh what you're not coming?"... it was a good call (i was so scared) but it might've just been b/c it was her birthday.


A week later i txted her just to see how her bday was and also to mention that i was going away but i'd be back in town for uni which starts in a few days. She replied after a few days saying she had fun, a bit drunk and that i should have fun on my little holiday.


So now... what should I do? I'm going back to town tomorrow and uni starts a few days after... Should i call her straight away? Does she actually like me? Or is she being friendly? There's good signs right? ... But i don't even know if she has a b/f...


Anyway, thanks for reading and thanks for any help!

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It definitely sounded like a good start. Maybe she was just really busy over the holiday and with exams and other stuff. People in university are EXTREMELY busy people, no lie. (I should know.) Anyway, it sounds like she COULD like you, but you need to have more contact with her to know for sure. The early signs were good, which is a plus.


As for knowing if she is seeing anyone, the only way you'll know that is by talking to her. (Well, it's the easiest way, anyway.) I'd say call her, try to make contact with her, but don't appear too needy or desparate. You might want to wait a day or two, but no longer. Everything sounds like it has promise.


And as they say: "Nothing ventured, nothing gained." You've nothing to lose and all to gain by giving it a shot. (Do as I say, not as I do BTW.) lol

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It sounds like she likes you, but that she's being careful because you seem to be playing it a bit too cool. The 'e-mailing after two weeks' and 'calling after a week' gaps might be giving her doubts about your feelings, and not going to her birthday party when she made a special effort to invite you might have reinforced that. The fact is (and I'm not saying it's a good thing) that lots of guys are pretty assertive about letting women know they're into us.... They write, they call, they make excuses to see us. So if you're a little shy and are hanging back, she could be reading it as not interested. If you like her, call her straight away and just tell her so. You don't need to be pushy or needy, just friendly and honest and sweet. Too much more messing around like this could wear her out. My $0.02.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I did call. And we did get coffee the next day.


Wasn't crash hot, imo. On the phone there was a really good vibe - she was laughing at my jokes and it was fun.


But on the actual "date" (if you could call it that) it just seemed really forced. At one stage she even took a phone call! Plus she kept dissing me about certain comments I made such as "I don't have time to do volunteer work" etc. I mean we did talk the whole time but... I dunno wasn't fab. Not much touching, not much flirting.


So I was ready just to grab the check and move on. After I paid she says "So, same time same place next week?" which confused/surprised the heck out of me. I wasn't available but suggested another day when she'd be on campus and she agreed on the time. I walked her to the bus stop and we were joking about how harsh she'd been to me and how she was gonna cry, to which I said "that'll make two of us".


She made a suggestion on where to meet up next week on campus, which I said was a "cliched" place, so we left with the agreement that I'd come up with something and let her know...


That was three days ago. Will call today. I'm gonna keep the "just friends" mindset.

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  • 6 months later...

shes into you man, you gotta be confident. you can e because the wise sages on enotalone are telling you shes interested. dont be cocky, just confident. you dont need to stress about when to contacther - dont do it toooo muc. but when you do, be confident. she'll like that.

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