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I think that this is a gigantic generalization. It's not fair to say this about all teens. There really are a lot of extremely mature teens out there, and although some of them do jump into sex too early for them, it's really different for everyone. Some people really are ready at this age, and the fantastic thing about teens giving teens sex advice is that because teens are probably more likely to listen to other teenagers, seeing as they will understand them more easily, protection is being highly encouraged. I think that it's really, really important to have safe sex, and safe sex is now being much more widely accepted, partially because teens are latching onto it, and giving eachother advice about this. Let's face it, adults did not grow up in the same world that today's adolecents did, and cannot relate to teens even nearly as well as their peers. Plus, I think you need to consider the specific circumstances of each case of teenage sex, because there shouldn't be an age limit on love. Did you ever think that some of these kids may really be in love?

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Plus, I think you need to consider the specific circumstances of each case of teenage sex, because there shouldn't be an age limit on love. Did you ever think that some of these kids may really be in love?
Exactly my point. People in love are gonna do it weather you like it or not... which is more then likey gonna cause a few arguments. Hence actually letting them have sex, but keeping controll on it.
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