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One Way Friendship

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I understand how you are feeling about this. Nevertheless, I would give it some time for him to contact you about the keychain and the Valentine's Day card, as there is a possibility of things going for a "walk" in the post.


Otherwise, you might like to make an enquiries with the postage company.


Good luck.

Woof Woof!

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I understand how you are feeling about this. Nevertheless, I would give it some time for him to contact you about the keychain and the Valentine's Day card, as there is a possibility of things going for a "walk" in the post.


Otherwise, you might like to make an enquiries with the postage company.


Good luck.

Woof Woof!

Thankyou! That's true, Things could get lost in the post..

Maybe he never got it, yet?

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Hey there,


I have had friends like this guy friend of yours. Like Annie pointed out, it sounds like you have more invested in this friendship than he does. What I have done in the past is I kind of layed low for awhile. I stopped going out of my way. But I also want to caution you when you do nice things for people, do them without expectations. I know it feels wonderful to be appretiated but also don't fall into that trap of doing things for people expecting them to fall over themselves thanking you and call you and perhaps giving you things in return. And some people are not as considerate as others. Your guy friend sounds like one of those people. So maybe cut back on doing thoughtful things for inconsiderate people, like you friend. What is going to happen is you are going to keep doing nice things, he is not going to respond in a manner in which you hoped, the worse you are going to feel.


You sound like a very nice and thoughtful person. It is a shame your guy friend does not realize it. (((hugs)))

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Hey girl,


I think it's best to lay off for a while. It sounds like he is not as much into the friendship as you are. And that makes it draining for you. You don't need people in your life that suck the energy and joy out of you. This is the opposite of friendship.



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So your friend hasn't made any mention of the package in 2 weeks? Well, I suggest wait and see if your friend mentions anything about your gift. You could email them again or call, but it's your choice. If they don't mention it anytime soon, then try to email again. If nothing, well then they're not much of a friend then are they? I guess don't worry about sending a gift then next year, if they don't thank you for this one. Good luck!

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He doesnt like you as a friend as much as you like him. Sounds like he doesnt care you sent him a present.


I think you should stop contacting him and let him contact you, if he does, if he doesnt forget him. If you buy him stuff, call him again, hes just going to get annoyed or not care.


You only make a fool out of yourself by catering to these types of people.

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Hey there,


I feel really bad for you--I'm in your exact position! I made a very close girl friend a t-shirt of something she likes a LOT and I didn't really get anything in return (I didn't give it to get anything, but still). I also find myself being crunched into small time allocations (one hour, etc) and seem to be a low priority friend. PLus I get planned over a lot.


I think when it comes down to it, these people don't really realize how much we care about them or simply take it for granted. I think the best policy here is to sort of quit. I will put my effort into people who are more receptive and likely to return a favor. I think it would be wise for you to do the same!


The ball is in his court and there isn't much you can do.


Take care!

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Thanks Everybody,


I didn't send him a gift to exspect a gift back or anything. I just want to hear or read words like "I got your gift in the mail today" or even something simple as two words like "Thankyou" that's all. But, I guess when someone doesn't appreciate or take you for granted it's unlikely for them to show it.

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Hard to know what hes thinking dude. I used to have an awful habit of not talking to my friends..., i never replied to emails, letters, answer phone messages. It could be down to lots of things...,shyness, anxiety (about what to say), depression, narcissism (he thinks its cool to not reply and make you suffer), laziness or, as puppy^ said, postal f**k up.

Either way next time you see him just be nice (im sure you will) because we dont know whether hes being a jerk or just unsure.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey there Didyoumissme? I have to say that there are a lot of men where you live that are genuine and good hearted. You need to look harder for a guy who will treat you with respect and love you for you. Too bad your having a hard time meeting someone.


The good guys are still around you just to be patient.

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