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*MY WEDDING* For all those who gave advice..

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Hey guys! I just wanted to let you all know that my relationship with my now HUSBAND is going fabulous!!! Our wedding was amazing, it felt as if we fell in love all over again. He cried when I walked down the aisle..it was the cutest thing ever. We each wrote our own vows to personalize our ceremony. It was super sweet. Then the reception was a blast. We had a DJ and just threw a big party. For our first dance we did the traditional slow dance song and then had the DJ go right into a fast song where we did a 2nd first dance as a really fast swing dance, which was AWESOME...the guests just LOVED it, they were all cheering (but hell, we practiced it for a long time). Karson (my hubby) sang to me, Keith Urban, Memories of Us. It was just such an incredible wedding. All my friends told me it's the funnest and most original wedding they'd ever gone to. Anyway, we did not have a chance to seek counseling...although things are perfect now, I know we still might want to. We have been getting along amazing, my depression and mood swings are gone (thankfully!!) Anyway, I just wanted to let you all know how great we are doing. I appreciate all of your support through my rough spots. I'm sure we'll have more, and I'm sure I'll be venting to you guys because you're so helpful. Thanks a ton!

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*Throws rice at Heavensent*


Congratulations! So happy to hear your special day was a joyous one. Keep us posted...no matter what has happened in the past few months, there is a tremendous amount of love between you and your husband, that is so obvious. May you have many, many years of happiness together!

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Thanks guys!! We are going to Jamaica for our honeymoon but we don't leave until Wednesday!! An entire week after the wedding! We are both really excited though, I've been there before and it's beautiful but he has never gone before. We are staying at a couples resort called swept away in Negril. When we get home I plan to schedule a counseling appt mainly for damage control. Even though things are great right now I still think it's good that we go in and make sure that any anger or pain we may be holding in (and not know it) we get it all out so that we can have a healthy and happy marriage forever.

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I think that's a great idea! After all, you go to the dentist every 6 months to make sure things are going well with your teeth - you shouldn't wait to make a dentist's appointment until they turn black and start falling out Think of it that way.

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