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Continuing Weight Problem

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Confessoress - you're gonna hate me, but if you want to lose weight you can't be making soup with 4 potatoes (or any potatoes for that matter), especially when you've already got chicken, carrots and butternut squash (both starchy root veg) in there too.


sorry to be a kill-joy, but that is one fattening soup you just made.

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Maybe so, but I think it's still better than a burger and fries And I had 1 bowl for a large panful.


I still managed to lose 5lbs last week.

Confessoress, it was still healthy, and squash has lots of great vitamins in it, as does the other ingredients. Carbs in themselves are not bad, it is about choosing the ones that can give you the most bang for your buck (and potatoes are not a "refined" carb either) and also making sure it is part of your daily caloric intake (as in not exceeding it). They give you energy and help fuel your muscles and feed your brain.


Just limit refined ones, and too many starches, but in small amounts they are fine. It's not like you ate all four potatoes in that bowl!


Spaghetti squash spaghetti is another great thing too! Try that out!

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Thanks RayKay.


I certainly didn't eat all the potatoes and they were very small. I had 1 bowl out of a pan full.


I've tried to cut down on carbs, but I not too much because I've noticed when I do I start feeling depressed and tired!


I've been careful with my calories too.


Carbs and veg/fruit are the two main food groups we're supposed eat the most of, followed by meat and fish (proteins) then diary etc, then fats. I'm really not digging this high protein lower carb atkin's thing, for the reason I don't think it sounds very healthy. Certainly not in the long run. What I'm trying to do is change my life style, not go on a diet that will last 5 minutes. It's going to take a while before learn exactly what I should and should not be eating.


I must have done something right if I lost 5lbs in just over a week!


What I can't do is eat a rabbit's limited diet. Stewed green veg and lettuce leaves, grilled dry plain meat. I'm not a rabbit. I know if I did that I wouldn't be able to stick to it and would be more likely to binge on some junk food.


Thanks all for your help. I guess I've just got to find the right balance.


Looking forward to gym induction on Friday!!!

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The reason you get depressed and sluggish is carbs are the fuel that your brain uses to think and process. Without them, even the science shows it shuts down to a degree...you get a "foggy brain". The right carbs also give you longer lasting energy and keep you "full" longer.


Carbs are what our body uses for energy, without them, we become depleted. Yes people lose weight when they remove carbs, but often I have seen these are those eating too much of the refined kind and too many calories in general. I have seen a lot of people on Atkins long term whom are not feeling so good a couple years on..and I know at least one having health issues related to it. I think South Beach has a more balanced approach for lowering carbs, or the Mediterranean 'diet' is a good one too over Atkins - but you can follow those by just reducing refined junk and eating more veggies, lean meats, fish, etc and allowing healthy carbs in a smaller amount.


I am an athlete, and there is no way I would be able to function and have the required energy stores without carbs. It's about choosing the best ones of the bunch. I don't overdo them, and eat the healthiest ones I can and watch my calories.


Again the Canadian Food Guide is great for a balanced lifestyle. You do have to choose something you can live with for life, and that is balanced. No grains, oats & other healthy carbs, is not balanced.

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all i'm suggesting is cutting the potatoes out and then you could eat the whole panful instead of having to limit it to one measly bowl 9and wind up hungry later). and if you normally eat burgers & fries then cutting down to a bowl of soup will make you lose weight (tho' 5lbs is too much in one week).


it's all about not eating REFINED carbs not cutting out carbs altogether.

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Igirl, please don't take what I said the wrong way. And no, I didn't used to eat just burgers and fries, but I certainly wasn't eating as healthy as I am now.


And the one bowl filled me up until my next meal nicely. I have cut potatoes down and eating less of them, but I won't be cutting them out completely. I find in cold weather like we have right now (-2c) potatoes etc are an essential starch. Starchy foods are also essential. I'm not about to go on a potato binge.


I will find a balance and I have taken your advice into account.

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Hey guys. I went to the gym yesterday and it was great. They took my weight, blood pressure, BMI and all that jazz. Showed me exercises and warm-ups and how to use all the equipment. Turns out I'm actually rather fit and healthy considering my weight! And I have no idea how but I've lost 14 lbs in 3 weeks, and I've been eating more than I used too! This is in part to your guys advice, so thank you!


I'll be using the gym twice a week, more if I can afford too.

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Hey guys. I went to the gym yesterday and it was great. They took my weight, blood pressure, BMI and all that jazz. Showed me exercises and warm-ups and how to use all the equipment. Turns out I'm actually rather fit and healthy considering my weight! And I have no idea how but I've lost 14 lbs in 3 weeks, and I've been eating more than I used too! This is in part to your guys advice, so thank you!


I'll be using the gym twice a week, more if I can afford too.


Good to hear it Confessoress, I love the gym. Rather I love my gym...will be hard when I move to find another one I like as much!


Can you not get a membership that allows you to go as many times as you want? I know my gym the drop in fee is $6 but I pay a monthly fee of $35 instead (this is a bargain though, some gyms are more - my old one was $50+ a month, or some you need an annual membership fee as well) where I go as much as I want which is cheaper in the end for me definitely.

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Hey RayKay.


At my gym you can become a member and pay £25 monthly for unlimited usage, that's around $43. Casual 'dropping in' membership is around $6.50 each time you go, for as long as you want.


I'm between jobs at the moment and don't really think it's wise to commit to £25 a month at the moment. I will become a full member once I'm working again though.

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Hey RayKay.


At my gym you can become a member and pay £25 monthly for unlimited usage, that's around $43. Casual 'dropping in' membership is around $6.50 each time you go, for as long as you want.


I'm between jobs at the moment and don't really think it's wise to commit to £25 a month at the moment. I will become a full member once I'm working again though.


Ah, understandable.


Maybe do some research into plyometrics etc, so you can do some of those when you can't make it to the gym, or go hiking/trail running, heavy duty housework/renovating - that counts too!

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Ah, understandable.


Maybe do some research into plyometrics etc, so you can do some of those when you can't make it to the gym, or go hiking/trail running, heavy duty housework/renovating - that counts too!


I do walk probably just over 2 miles or more a day. I skip every morning and I do plenty of housework at a fast pase, so I suppose that probably does help. I've been wanting to dig my bike out of the garden shed, but it needs a bit of work and I don't have the money for that atm. Come summer hopefully!


Overjoyed at the moment, lost about 16 lbs.

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