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Continuing Weight Problem

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Hello all. I have a continuing weight problem that I have been trying to address.


I currently weight 238 pounds and my height is just over 5'5". As you can imagine I am a big girl, but luckily I carry this weight rather well and don't look like a beached whale.


However I have been over weight since my Mum died when I was 17. I did a lot of comfort eating that got me where I am today. I later moved to the Philippines and thanks to a rice and veggie diet, plus lots of heat I managed to get my weight down to 200 lbs. However I returned to the UK and the weight slowly creeped because on and I had a lot of personal problems and the weight piled back on.


Since December last year I totally adjusted my diet. I do not eat any sort of takeaway or junk food (not that I actually eat that much junk food previously to that, believe it or not). I have been extremely strict with myself. I eat 5 portions of fruit/veg a day, 2 litres of water (don't always manage that), I do not deep fat fry food (never did anyway), eat mostly weight meat. This is an average days diet for me:


Bowl of special K (Semi-skimmed milk)

Low Fat yogurt



2 Cheese flavour rice cakes




2 small pieces of pepper fish

2 pieces wholemeal bread (flora spread)

Salad (lettuce, pepper, carrot, onion, cherry tomatoes)


As I said, I have been eating this way since December the problem is I don't appear to have lost any weight, in fact it seems I have gained weight! As you can imagine I'm feeling really disheartened and wondering why I ever bother. I can't understand how I could possibly put weight on.


I don't drive, I walk most places. I skip ever morning. I will be joining the gym soon, just a bit short on cash atm. Trying to fit it around my life.


Has this happened to anyone else? I'm starting to feel disgusting and I feel uncomfortable with myself.

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I advise you actually contact a nutritionist. You may not be eating enough calories so you are storing fat, or you may not be properly calculating what you are taking in, or missing nutrients which is causing your body to rebel a bit (like protein and complex carbs).


They may also advise you get thyroid tests and so forth to make sure you do not have something else causing the weight gain.


Definitely incorporate healthy exercise into there....the gym will help if you add in muscle building exercises as well as muscle increases your metabolism and your tone as well as makes you stronger in muscle and bone. Doing regular cardio will help your fat burning too. Just make sure you are cleared by a doctor before starting a program and build up the program as your fitness improves. Walking is great, but over time you should add spin classes, or running, elliptical, or swimming, or even walking on treadmill but with it at a high incline for that extra boost in your heart rate and thereforeeee fat burning (skipping is great, but you should do at least 30 minutes of cardio 3-5 times a week and most people cannot skip very long at one time).



The important thing to realize is it is a lifestyle. That it takes time, and you have to be able to live with it for the rest of your life. Make exercise and eating well a priority in your day and just DO it. Many people ask me how I manage to work out so much, and the honest truth is I just DO it. I don't question it. If I have a really busy day, I just get up earlier to get it in. You have to make that commitment to yourself that you will do it.


There will be days you feel less motivated, or disheartened, and this is where people "fail" to keep going, but you have to push through and just do it.

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You need more protein. I have also suffered from a weight problem. I too take comfort in food. You also need to get movin and get your metabolism rate up. Your body may be in save everything you eat mode because you aren't eating enough.

Protein, Protein, Protein!!!

Check this website out I just discovered it



Good Luck!

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you are gaining weight b/c 1) you are not eating enough 2) you are eating the WRONG foods - LOSE the cereal, the rice biscuits and the wholemeal bread - these are refined carbs and full of sugar. your weight problem is a result (by the sound of things) of eating too many carbs - yr body can't break down all the insulin they produce and thereforeeee stores it as fat. you will be trapped in this vicious circle until you stop eating refined carbs.


i have a lot of personal experience and knowledge about this, so pls take my word for it. all yr comfort eating has caused you to develop Syndrome X b/c you ate too many sugary and/or starchy foods. you may also have polycystic ovaries (PCOS) b/c of it, if you don't have it already. pls see yr doc to confirm. it took me YEARS to discover what was 'wrong' with me, so believe me when i tell you this works


the GOOD news is this can be controlled - try the following:


breakfast: stewed or fresh fruit + NATURAL (not flavoured) yogurt


lunch: fish/chicken (protein of some kind) + lots of fresh salad/vegetables*


dinner: tofu or lamb kebabs (have a protein-based dinner, again with lots of veg* etc)


snacks: fruit and nuts (all types except cashew nuts)


the 'rules':

1. do not control your portions - eat until you are full-up; this is not about calorie-counting or denying yrself food. it is about eating the RIGHT foods. once you make this change, you won't feel as hungry or as tempted by carbs, i promise. b/c carbs are full of starch they produce more sugar than yr bosy can cope with and actually promote hunger as a result.

2. make sure you eat some protein (fish/meat/eggs/tofu/cheese) at every meal

3 avoid all starchy foods (white flour; potatoes, rice, bread, pasta and *root vegetables - carrots, parsnips etc; any veg that grows under the ground)


last but not least, start a regular fitness routine. it's good you already walk everywhere, but try speeding up your pace. don't worry about joining the gym - in the meantime gte busy with that skipping rope at least 3 times a week (build up to 30mins - i do 50 mins and it is fantastic for toning the body!!) and you will see results.


hope all this helps - good luck!! it's easier than you think

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This very similar to the diet I'm on, I've lost about 50lbs in about a year. Don't think thats too long a time because it isn't, heathly weight loss should be slowly and consistantly. The diets that promise rapid weight loss are usually lbs from water weight, just remember a pint of water is one lb. On average a persons weight fluctuate up to 5lbs in a day from all of the in going and out going water. You need to drink lots of h2o because everything in your body uses it and your constanctly losing it, via respiration, sweat or urination. Make sure your heathly enough to make any changes first, I spoke with my doctor before I started doing anything major with my diet or exercise, she gave me the green light and continues to moniter my progress.

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Thank you all for your advice and thoughts! Was very helpful.


I did wonder if it had something to do with my carb intake. I do drink as much water as I possibly can during the day, which is about 2 litres. As I said I skip every morning too. Not enough, obviously.


I had a check up with the doctor and he gave me the green light to go ahead. I might make another appointment to check for polycystic ovaries, as I've wondered about this. I've been getting acne despite the healthy eating and have for a while (didn't as a teen) and I had heard polycystic ovaries might have something to do with that.


I'm booking an induction with my local gym tomorrow. They will weigh me, take my blood pressure etc and work out a routine to suit me.


I already eat a lot of fresh fruit and veg, until I'm full. More veg than fruit, especially green veg. Fish and chicken for meat. But I still feel rather empty which is why I normally have a couple of rice cakes or wholemeal bread. I did try drinking more water when I felt this way, since I heard that helps.


Again, thank you for your help. I've taken it on broad!

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I'm up late 1-2am and usually get hungry around midnight. I like to munch on celery with some peanut better (natural no added sugars or oils) or just plain nuts (1/4 a cup). I like to drink decaf tea with a sugar based no cal sweetener like splenda, it helps make me feel full. Try to not to take in too much caffeine it can be an appetite stimulant.

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You have to be careful with some dried fruit, there can be added sugars and perservatives. Make sure you read the ingrediants, if it has sugar, sucrose, glucose, fructose,corn syrup, or the like chuck it and just eat the frest stuff. Natural food markets are great for having just dehydrated fruit with no additives. Othere wise try apples, pears, plums, bananas, peaches, strawberries; eat the skins for the fiber and nutrients. Try to avid pineapple and water melon, they're really high in sugar when compared to the fiber content. If you want to eat cereal try bran or oatmeal (not instant) you want high fiber even if you do take in some carbs. Cut the alcohol, its just empty calories.

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Ah yes indeed. I always check the back of the packs for anything added. I won't buy it if it has all added rubbish in it.


I don't just have special K, I alternate it between oats in the morning.


I don't drink alcohol. I don't smoke. Never have.


I just wish organic foods didn't come at a high premium!


Eating plenty green veg for frolic acid. I got a very good word file from my boyfriend about fruits and veg. Good for making smoothies.

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I like cheese, way too much, to cut out added fat I buy 2% or skim milk cheese, gives me another snack option thats not bad. The higher protein diet has really made me feel better over all, my skin is healthier and my hair is growing like a weed. The first week or so when you're cutting down on carbs can be really hard, you feel tired and get cravings. After the initial switch over, you energy level goes back up and you really feel better consistantly through the day. I used to have issues with getting too low blood sugar between meals, I'd get cranky, shakey, and have nasty head aches. With the low carb diet my blood sugar levels are more even and I don't have the food withdraw symptoms.

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As an athlete, I absolutely require carbs. They really are essential for any endurance (it is the fuel). Without them, during activity you "bonk" as your body runs out of fuel to process and send to the muscles.


Just make sure your carbs are "complex carbs" as much as possible - eat whole grains instead of refined white flour, limit refined sugars. I treat myself to ice cream a few nights a week, but other then that I really reduce sugars unless I am racing and then will use some cliff shots/gatorade for electrolytes and a quick supply of carbs.


Carbs really are very important even if you are not an endurance athlete. Carbs are what fuel your muscle (protein builds, but carbs fuel them) as well as your brain. People on radically low carb diets often suffer mental fogs and depressive states and problems with memory as your brain NEEDS carbs for fuel. You just have to make sure they are the RIGHT kind of carbs.


Check out the Canada Food Guide online, it's a very good baseline for what proportion of carbs, proteins, veggies, dairy and so forth you should be getting.

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Well like with any diet you have to be careful. I haven't removed all the carbs from my diet, I just eat them sparingly. I only eat whole grain products and I restrict my protein intake to fish and poultry, low sat fat meats. The big thing is not overloading on protein, but taking lots of veg. I eat broc and lettuce like crazy, but haven't had any red meat in ages. If you do increase your protein it doesn't mean you're increasing your fat intake. I mainly follow the South Beach diet which stresses the importance of eating LEAN cuts only, so liver and most pork are out. As for the diet effecting my calcium intake, I eat more cheese and milk than I used, so I'm getting calcium, I avoid caffeine which has also been thought to prevent calcium absorbtion. I'm an engineering student with a hellasious demand on my mental abilities, since I started this diet I can concentrate easier and have less food related issues during the day.

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My diet sounds fairly similar to yours in that I am not carb-heavy, though I do eat whole grains and such as I do need them. Though I do like my steak (but choose lean cuts which can be comparable to chicken's fat content these days if you make right choice).


I do get the complex carbs I require as I mentioned above, but my diet is very well rounded too. I used to be vegetarian,and in many ways my diet is still similar to that, but with lean proteins added in..but very "plant & natural based".


Congrats on doing engineering, my sweetie's a P.Eng. I imagine you can concentrate easier as you are not having the refined sugar insulin "crashes" people whom eat a lot of sugars can get.

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Congrats on doing engineering, my sweetie's a P.Eng. I imagine you can concentrate easier as you are not having the refined sugar insulin "crashes" people whom eat a lot of sugars can get.

Thats one of the main reasons my doc recommended the low-carb route. I had told her about my trouble with the low blood sugar, since I'm not diabetic, she thought that a change in my diet would help. She herself did a low-carb diet with great results, I took a little convincing since I was pretty much vegan. It still feels a little weird eating all the meat, but I love fish, so I try to make that my main protein sorce.

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Well today I bought myself a really good blender. That may seem a little odd the fact I didn't already have one. It appears a lot of American's rich or poor have them hehe.


Anyway, as I said I got a blender and a load of fruit. Strawberrys, Kiwis, Bananas, Pineapple, Pears, Grapes and oranges. As well as a large tub of natural yogurt.


So from now on I'm going to have a nice fruit smoothie for breakfast

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Well today I bought myself a really good blender. That may seem a little odd the fact I didn't already have one. It appears a lot of American's rich or poor have them hehe.


Anyway, as I said I got a blender and a load of fruit. Strawberrys, Kiwis, Bananas, Pineapple, Pears, Grapes and oranges. As well as a large tub of natural yogurt.


So from now on I'm going to have a nice fruit smoothie for breakfast

Sounds yummy I wish my stomach could handle dairy in the mornings. I'm eating fake eggs and protein bars I wish you so much luck. It can get tough sometimes, but just think how much better you'll feel when you're done. Its not going to happen over night so don't get upset if you don't look like you've lost weight for a week or two. Its taken me over a month of Pilates to even get a noticeable change in my tummy. When I started really working out hard I got tired and wanted to quit, but I kept up with it. Now I look forward to getting all sweaty and burning off my baby fat. YOU CAN DO IT!!!

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What is Pilates? I have heard that term mentioned before in other places. Is it a type of exercise routine?

Pilates was a who actually and not a what. Joseph Pilates was one of the first people to really develope physical education. He designed a series of exercises that emphasize breathing and strengthening your core muscles, which are in your torso and abdomen. It has a similar feel to yoga, with all the concentration and control. I like it for the lumps in my middle, you can target specific muscle groups with exercises and tone the up.

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Hey guys. I made an excellent soup tonight!


Half of a butternut squash, cubed

4 carrots, sliced

4 large potatoes, quartered

Half a small onion, diced

2 garlic cloves



Ground cumin

2 vegetable stock cube with desired amount of water

1 cooked chicken breast


I cooked the butternut squash and carrot together and the potatoes in a separate pan. Cooked all until they were tender. At the same time I grilled the chicken breast until completely cooked.


I put the garlic and onion in the blender ready for later. Then once the the butternut, carrot and potatoes were ready I put them all in the blender along with the dissolved veg stock cubes in 1 pint (470 ml) of water, salt, pepper and cumin as desired (depends how spicy you want it). Whizzed it all up, put it all back into a sauce pan, broke the chicken breast up into flakey bits put it in the soup and heated it all back up.


Tasted great! Makes a hugggge pan full! Could probably freeze it too.

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