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suggestions? good hobbies?

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Hey enotalone sisters/brothers,


A lot of people here advise that picking up an interesting hobby is a great way to get back the joy of life that we've lost due to a broken heart. So I was wondering what are some hobbies that people here are involved in - just to give us some ideas?


Just yesterday I got a bike that needs to be repaired so my new hobby is to fix it. Then once it's fixed, I'm going to start riding around. So that's going to be my attempt to find a hobby to help me enjoy life. I'm not sure if it will really help me enjoy life more. I've been looking for other things I might be interested in, that maybe I just never thought to try.

So please share your hobbies with the rest of us.

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I play soccer, which helps me - unfortunately i didn't join an indoor league this year and have to wait until the spring to start up again. do you have any sports you like? i'm sure there's intramural leagues in Brooklyn -


oh, how about pool? I love going to the bars and playing pool, and i know there's def. tourney's at bar all the time, it's a great way to meet people.


i've also wanted to try rock climbing - did in in college a few times, but would love to get into that - i don't know, seems to me that sports are great for distraction!

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I love guinea pigs so I spend a lot of time caring for my 4 guinea pigs, hanging on a guinea pig messageboard, and when I was living in Wisconsin, I helped out with a guinea pig rescue. There is a local rescue around here and once I find a job and settle down, I may help out there on the weekends. I am also using this hobby as a way to meet people, like going to a pignic this weekend that is being hosted by the local guinea pig rescue.

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I'd like to learn how to knit, but I've been saying that for years. For several months now, I've been doing some publicity for a local band that I really love. I don't get paid (unless a band's famous, forget about making any money doing this kind of thing), but I truly love what I'm doing and it's a way to apply some of my skills to something I'm actually interested in. I also volunteer with a local animal rights group on some of their marketing and PR initiatives.

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I'd like to learn how to knit, but I've been saying that for years. For several months now, I've been doing some publicity for a local band that I really love. I don't get paid (unless a band's famous, forget about making any money doing this kind of thing), but I truly love what I'm doing and it's a way to apply some of my skills to something I'm actually interested in. I also volunteer with a local animal rights group on some of their marketing and PR initiatives.


Lol, I finally picked up knitting this past year and I finished one whole scarf, after 2 months, then gave up. I say I tried, I completed, it's over. You need a LOT of patience with knitting...it's not for me, but good luck!!


I was also going to suggest going somewher to volunteer. Soup kitchens one night a week, or candy stripping. There are tons of worthy causes you can help out in that could make you feel totally productive.


If you're into reading, google a Book Club in your area/local library.


Try a class in something you were interested in but never actually tried.


Build something! (You're doing the bike now, but try some woodwork)


Pick up a sport (Local teams throughout every city- great way to meet people)


Join a gym!


Man, I need to start taking my own advice. Then I wouldn't be on here half as much

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Im back..


I've decided to put part of the post here, instead you had to look for it..

These are some of the things that i do to get myself distracted..


Just try to do some exercise or play an musical instrument (or both things)when you feel these mix of feelings angry/sadness/foolishness starts.. it makes you forget for a few minutes and maybe hours after.. all the mess where you are.


This has worked for me. (Playing Korn and Metallica song's in my guitar its a very unstressful thing XD) (Going to the Gym or Martial Arts training, in my case)


Also, you could read books to improve your knowledges about relationships/girls/dating/self steem.. i started to do that since the breakup and it help me a lot to see the things from different perspectives..


Try to go out with your single friends, to avoid any ankward situation about their girlfriends and your "flashbacks"


And if you're still feel hurt/sad/angry after do those things.. come here and keep posting and venting.. Really Helps!


But whatever you'll do just remember the N°1 Rule: No Contact!!

It will help you... to keep your mind far from her for moments

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I think sports can be considered a hobby, especially as you get older. Once you get to where you play only because you want to, and no toher reason. I think just making sure you have interests, whether or not they are hobbies is the thing. Interesting people have interests. Also, interests are things that can keep us busy.


Anything you enjoy can be something you do. I've had goals about reading (for example so many plays by Shakespeare in a given time), intersts in sports and other physical activity, am trying to learn a second language, and at one time, I did bike and do my own bicycle repairs.


If you have a choice, and want more than one hobby, try to make your hobbies seem to not fit together. People may think for example that one person would enjoy both opera and reading classic literature, they seem to me to go together. But have someone read Shakespeare and make a hobby of watching old Three Stooges episodes, and that does not seem to fit. People who have interests that don't fit are people others find really interesting. Things like this create cognitive dissonance (do a search for it) and make us want to solve what we see as a puzzle.


You cannot fake a hobby, you won't keep it up. But if you have to choose between two, pick ones that don't fit.


If I had to pick a new but easy one to attract women, I'd become an expert on some genre of older movies and collect them.

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thanks easyguy and metalheart for the links; i'm looking into your suggestions.


thanks to everyone for posting their hobbies, it's giving me lots of ideas.


One thing I forgot to mention though is that although I live in brooklyn, i'm in south carolina at college right now. but I appreciate the new york links still because when I'm home I'll need to find something to do. keep posting!

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great hobby ideas, everybody.


mmm, i do a bit of kayaking, skiing, & backpacking; i go see a ton of live music, and i also love to read and cook. (cooking stinks as a solo person, though.) i've been thinking lately about learning to fly. i'd also love to learn to play the banjo, but i'm afraid i'm too old to pick it up. sigh.


mouse_potato, skydiving is on my list for march/april; if we lived closer we could do it together!


bkjsun, my friends tell me that dance lessons are a great place to meet people & make friends--salsa, swing, tango, etc.

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Hey enotalone sisters/brothers,


A lot of people here advise that picking up an interesting hobby is a great way to get back the joy of life that we've lost due to a broken heart. So I was wondering what are some hobbies that people here are involved in - just to give us some ideas?


Just yesterday I got a bike that needs to be repaired so my new hobby is to fix it. Then once it's fixed, I'm going to start riding around. So that's going to be my attempt to find a hobby to help me enjoy life. I'm not sure if it will really help me enjoy life more. I've been looking for other things I might be interested in, that maybe I just never thought to try.

So please share your hobbies with the rest of us.



If you enjoy playing games online i'll suggest this one-BattleField 2. Dude you will be feeling much better in 30 minutes!!


Try it out!

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fairie16, that's original too. i guess i could try knitting. I'm a little too hyper and impatient to stick with it, i think (and maybe i need to be more comfortable with my sexuality, but I would feel very feminine)


keenan, those are great hobbies. how can you say you're too old to pick up banjo? you're still young, you should go for it. dancing is a great idea too.


another thing i used to do when i lived in new hampshire (7 years ago) was hike up mountain trails. i forgot all about that, it used to be a lot of fun. i could probably do that too.


i haven't really gotten into computer games, but if i come accross that game i'll make sure to check it out.

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Hi bkjsun, sorry I've not been online for a while - hope you're doing well.


Well, I've joined the list of all those who say that cycling or any kind of exercise is good - I find it releases all the stress and worries (get everything out of your system), and you can't beat a good dose of fresh air! It also helps me get a good night's sleep.


I've also been doing a couple of evening classes - the last one I did was all about birdwatching (don't laugh!), and it was very informative and relaxing. A good way to meet people and learn more about our feathered friends.


I'm also hoping to take up Spanish soon - I've always wanted to learn the language to enable me to travel around the country without having to ask 'do you speak English'? ;-)


I like the natural world, so I tend to spend most of my spare time outdoors - it really helps get things in perspective. Mind you, the weather doesn't always cooperate, and getting out of a city can be difficult.


Hope you're doing well.



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i'm doing better, Pikey, it's good to see you're doing well too. I can't wait till I have my bike fixed and I can start riding around and exploring the area around here.


I have a question for those of you who do backpacking. What exactly is "backpacking", what do you do, where do you go?


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Hello there bkjsun, good to hear you're feeling better


As to "backpacking", it's basically independent travelling - it involves putting your clothes / toothbrush / First Aid kit etc in a rucksack and travelling to wherever grabs your fancy.


I travelled by train accross Europe and the US / New Zealand and stayed at youth hostels, which are a great way of meeting other people with similar interests - so even if you're travelling by yourself, you're not alone!


There's lots of good travel guides for budget travellers, including Let's Go, the Rough Guide and Lonely Planet - they offer lots of travel tips (including safety tips).


Are there any places you've ever wanted to visit? If so, get a few travel guides, see if there are any cheap flights / train tickets out there and away you go!


It may seem a little daunting at first, but the experience does wonders for your confidence, as does meeting other people from far and wide.

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Good answer, Pikey1972. "Backpacking" for people who live in places with lots of wilderness (mountains, desert, whatever) also means camping without a car. You essentially put all your stuff--tent, sleeping bag, food, water, supplies--in your big pack, drive into the wilderness (usually to the head of a well-documented trail, with a trail map in your pocket), and hike x number of miles until you reach a suitable camp spot. Pitch tent, cook meal, look at stars, read, etc....sleep. The next morning you pack it all up and either turn back around, or you keep on going for as long as you want--multi days or multi weeks, depending on your stamina! Where you actually hike and camp depends on your region, and on the regulations of whatever forest service monitors those trails. You usually want to be careful to have the right safety gear and maps, and to tell people where you're going in case you need rescue...or so they know where to look for the body if you become bear food.

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Hey enotalone sisters/brothers,


A lot of people here advise that picking up an interesting hobby is a great way to get back the joy of life that we've lost due to a broken heart. So I was wondering what are some hobbies that people here are involved in - just to give us some ideas?


Great topic. I can remember when I was in the dumps - life was initially hellish. I made a DVD montage of my ex and I - it took weeks to get all of the photos, scan them, buy the right equipment and software, choose the right songs, etc. I finally made it though. Then, after that I continued making montages for family, friends, until I decided to make it a part-time business. This led me to taking photos as a hobby, shooting everything from family to oceans and sunsets and anything that could be photographed.


Now, I'm an indoor soccer league, spend time with my nieces, working out, reading, and developing new media for websites. So, between all that I do on a daily basis, this leaves me just enough time to watch the Jay Leno monologue before I sleep because I am constantly doing something. It's automatic now - I have almost no downtime. In aa sense, one hobby can lead to the next and to the next until you're doing a little of each and before you know it, you're life is "booked."

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chai, that's pretty cool. sounds like you've really created a new life for yourself.


pikey and keenan, thanks for the explanations! I love traveling and exploring so I think it would be cool to go backpacking. I'll check out those travel guides, too. It gives me a great sense of freedom and independence when I just go somewhere. In New York, I usually take my bike on the subway and take it to some area I've never been and just ride around and see what's there and then go home at the end of the day. it would be cool to just go somewhere and stay there. so that's backpacking!

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