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Volunteer Work, who's done it?


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Before I went to college for veterinary technology, I spent about 6 months volunteering at a local animal shelter. I fed cats and dogs, cleaned and scrubbed runs and litter pans, did laundry (towels) and brushed and bathed dogs.


I liked it just fine, and it looked great on my resume when I eventually finished school and was job hunting for a vet job.


What type of volunteer work are you interested in?

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I've done volunteer work, mostly in my undergraduate days. I went to a Catholic university and had to do x amount of volunteer hours in order to graduate. I mostly worked in the local homeless shelter serving food to people. I have also gone to Toronto with a school group for Habitat for Humanity. That was a lot of fun. We all helped build a house.


While studying to be a teacher, I had to do some volunteer hours and I worked in an after school day care place tutoring kids in math and basic science. Did that for a whole semester.

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I was the community service officer for a club I was in during college. I helped to find and organize events for the club to do. Some of the things we did included helping park and beach cleanups, helping out at food shelters, and participating in a program to help lower income families with tax preparation (we were accounting students, so it made since for us).


The most rewarding experience though was always working with children. I've done that numerous times and always love it. Children are fun to be with and you get a feeling that you really made a difference in their life. That's really why volunteering is such a great thing, cause its giving back and doing something for those in need.

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I did Habitat for Humanity for several years (till my carpal tunnel took me down) and I loved it. The work is great, you get to meet wonderful people and build a house. I helped do the footings on a house and put walls up on another, to name a few things. There was also demolition work, too, a sledge hammer vs a cement stoop was a great work out and laugh to see who could knock off the biggest chunk. I've also done work raising money for a children's group in South Africa, I'm more hands on so it wasn't as fun, but seeing the pictures of their new computers and gym was cool.

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when i was in HS I used to do Midnight Runs - go into NYC at midnight with bags of food - sandwhiches we made, stuff we got together, hot drinks, (it was mostly during the winter) and we would take a van and meet with homeless people. We would talk to them and hang out - that was probably the best volunteer work i have ever done - the stories were sooo amazing - and it taught me a lot, it was sad though but it felt so good to be able to help out someone...


that's about it though, i think hospitals are always a great place to volunteer at (if you can take that) or churches....I tend to just help others if i see they need a hand - mostly older people that i see when i'm out....kind of make sure i try to do a "good deed" each day

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It's funny, I belong to a simple living discussion forum, and someone posted recently that their goal was to "retire so they can then do volunteer work."


The fact is, volunteer work is something you can do on your own time, whenever, and it truly enriches your life and others - so don't put it off. Make it a regular part of your life. What's more, no matter your talents, there is always a need out there where you can volunteer to apply them.


I do a lot of marketing and PR stuff for a regional animal rights group, plus I used to be the Director of Communications for the local vegetarian society. All volunteer, pro bono. Recently, I donated my copywriting services to a silent auction for the above mentioned animal rights group.


Also, I'm seriously considering lately doing some kind of vegetarian food drive for the homeless and/or disadvantaged families. This might just be something I end up doing on my own.

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A couple years ago I was a tutor for a few elementary school students, partly because I didn't have anything better to do with my time, and I needed to get a bunch of "service learning" hours in as part of my high school graduation requirement.


I enjoyed it, even though I only did it a few times.

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In highschool I help out some with the disabled students (my high school has a program for these kids and students do help and enteract with them a fair amount). I believe in my senior year of high school I help out at a Disney community event thing for disable kids (My mom use to work for them)


When I got out of high school my mom drag me into this program that helps run-a-way female teens as well as single moms that have problems. So far I have help out with watching over the kids the moms bring over when they have their meetings and go to work (I for some reason a natural with kids which is odd if you knew my past), I also become an ox when my mom need things to be moved for the program (like toys, bath stuff, female stuf etc), I am not kidding you. I also maintain the website for a sub group that helps out with the program in general, and this group I am now part of as my mom once again volunteered me.


As far as the exprenice so far I like it and have found it rewarding in various ways. As no I am not a mommy's boy, my mom is just one of those moms even tho they are old they are active as heck in various things.

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