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Odd dreams A side affect of a fever?


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Well im pretty sure i have a fever i came down with it on sat night and still feel like * * * *. I have a cough and cold too. Since Sat. night ive been having odd dreams there not nightmares really theres no people in them at all its very hard to explain. But i seem to only be able to sleep in 1.5 to 2.5 intervals at a time then i wake up have to go to the restroom.


SO basically are these dreams a side affect of a fever? and what can i do to recover as soon as possible?



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I believe that if the fever is high enough, it might even cause hallucinations and delirium. So I guess it'd make sense if it gave you all these weird dreams... Don't worry, as soon as the fever's gone, all will go back to normal, I think. To recover faster, just get plenty of rest and drink a lot of fluids. Get well soon.

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Most likely, fevers can even make you hallucinate and carry on conversations with people who aren't even in the room. My Mom still laughs about when I was really sick in HS, she said I was prime entertainment with all the stuff coming out my mouth.


Even more entertaining?


Holy crow!

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