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What to say when you run out of things to say?

Fender Bender

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thanx for the help, guys. btw, to that last post, we go to the same school.


anyways, she's been depressed lately and it REALLY affected our relationship. in fact, we just broke up today. ironically she hasn't picked up the phone since i started this topic, but we'd talk at school, which sucked cause i always feel kind of restricted there.


i know why she was depressed, but she was getting too avoidant... couldn't go anywhere with her, and i'd only get a hug from her here and there. we'd talk some, but only during our 30 minute lunch and around the halls, which sucked even more.


I'm over it, which surprises me cause i really liked her even though we didn't do anything, but thanks for the help.

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Sorry for the breakup Fender. I hope you find someone else that gives you what you are looking for. And I hope that the now ex is ok and deals with whatever the problem she has been having is.


Chai, what about long distance relationships that work out? What about those serving in the military who can't see loved ones for a long time? Yes, its hard on them, but they don't let a lack of being together pysically get in the way of the love they share. It's possible to have an emotional and spiritual bond that is so strong that it can endure being apart for long periods of time. When its love, that love is more powerful then any physical need or force.

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ShySoul wrote

Chai, what about long distance relationships that work out? What about those serving in the military who can't see loved ones for a long time? Yes, its hard on them, but they don't let a lack of being together pysically get in the way of the love they share. It's possible to have an emotional and spiritual bond that is so strong that it can endure being apart for long periods of time. When its love, that love is more powerful then any physical need or force


The act of loving or the word love can not sustain itself. You can not raise a baby by communicating a lot with it. It needs physical contact. This is why God gave us senses. Relationships between people also require similar to what a baby needs - physical nourishment.


I would like to really see the rate of affairs in military marriages. The truth can never be known though because surveys won't be accurate enough. I often hear of the affairs of both the men (who are away) and the women (who are at home) behind the backs of their spouses. Certainly not all relationships are like this, but I suspect a big part of why these affairs occur is beacause their relationship lacks the physical element necessary in a relationship. So, don't throw any more lines about how love can sustain itself - because it can not.

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I was on the phone with this girl for 5 hours, but it went by like nothing. First time I have ever been on the phone with anyone that long. Then I decided where we should go out to on Saturday. Then told her I was going to sleep.


It's better to hang up when the conversation is good, leave them wanting more. If you can't think of anything more to say then it's best just to get off the phone. Only have a long conversation if it flows really well and you two just have a lot to say to each other.


You sometimes basically can keep a conversation going sometimes, and other times you can't. If you want to stay on the phone, wait until they something first ok.

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Don't think about when to end it. There will come a point where you will either be forced to end it or you will just know it is time. And end on a high note, making sure the person knows you had a good time talking them.

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