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Women Anwer Please


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i called her on a thursday evening and asked her to watch a movies with me on saturday afternoon, she quickly accepted to go out with me but asked me to confirm with her before booking the tickets.


well i confirmed with her on friday evening and she was positive, then she dosent show up at the theatre ten minutes earlier as we aggreed and i call her to find out if she is surely coming. she confirms it again and tells me to confirm the tickets "just give me fifteen minutes" is her response on the phone but guess what? i wait for her for a cool half an hour after the show is started and she doesnt show up.


i get uneasy and decide to leave, but not before i call again and findout what is wrong! THERE IS NO ANSWER ON THE OTHER END! i call again and again but THERE IS STILL NO ANSWER! then i call after an hour and her friend picks the phone "she is not here "!




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Definetly give up on her. How rude of her. I can't believe how rude that is! Don't get hung up on someone who can't keep their word. She'll only mess you around again, and if you let her, she will carry on. Forget about her. She seems like a right loser!

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Holy! Have you two went out on a date before? Unless she was in an accident or something horrific happened, which obviously it didn't or her friend would have said that, drop her like a hot potato! It's not a question about whether she is playing games or not, it is a question of her character. No one deserves to be treated that way unless you have treated them that way. In this case, it is an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth: don't answer if she tries calling.

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I agree with the other posts here. It surely seems she is playing games with you. It was awfully rude of her to accept and then keep asking you to confirm with her about the tickets, and then to not show up, and then tell you give me a few minutes and yet still doesnst show. I say she is not worth your time and to move on to some one more deserving of your time and efforts.

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This was last night, right? If you haven't heard from her by now (and if her excuse wasn't pitch-perfect and beautiful), then let her go. Either she's playing you, she's not interested, or she's got major anxiety issues. She's rude, either way. Sorry.

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