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im extremly paranoid about this..why couldnt he cum??


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I've been stressing over this for over 2 days now, and im starting to get extemely worried and paranoid about it aswell


I was with my bf and we were just kissing then things started heating up, we had dry sex..well im not sure if its exactly called 'dry sex' since were were both naked and he was rubbing myself against me from the front, then from the back..but he didnt put himself in me because i didnt want him to, yes im still a virgin. Sorry if im giving away waaay too much information but i just need to know what happened and why it happened.


The thing is, my bf has been telling me how he doesnt get any sex from me and he its hard for him as a guy to be without sex for over 1 year, so i always try to please him as much as i can without him actually putting himself in me.


We have had dry sex before and i have given him a hand job and he's always cum.


The other day however we were at it for over 40 minutes but he couldnt manage to cum, he rubbed himself against me and i even pulled him off but he couldnt come, he even pulled himself off and he still didnt cum, im just wondering why this happened? Has he been getting sex from somewhere else??


This has never happened before, and things were even more heated today then ever before but he still didnt cum. Any guys been in similar situation..or anyone know why sometimes guys dont cum, he usually cumes within a few minutes..but i was extremly paranoid when he didnt cum this time, im thinking maybe he's been getting sex from somewhere else and i dont know about it. What else would be the reason for him not being unable to cum.


Im really starting to get paranoid Is this commen, if so...anyone know why it happens? The thing that really worries me however is that we havnt had dry sex in a while or even been intimate, wouldnt he be more turned on and would cum easier if he hasnt been getting anything for a while and then things get really heated..?

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It happens. There are times when guys just cannot cum. Sometimes it could be because he has not for a while, other times, it might be because he has been in touch with himself a little too much. It does not men he is cheating.

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It happens. There are times when guys just cannot cum. Sometimes it could be because he has not for a while, other times, it might be because he has been in touch with himself a little too much. It does not men he is cheating.


Yeh but what are the reasons, theres gotta be something...i just know it, he usually has a really high sex drive, i know he use to have alot of sex before him and i started going out. He has alwaaays cum, this is the first time, and im getting worried because lately he has been complaining about not having any sex and how much its starting to frustrate him..weird timing


Im just really worried that he might be getting sex from elsewhere, i cant say that to him because i know it'll just start an argument and thats the last thing i want.


Any of you guys had similar problem, if so..what was the reason for u not being able to cum? If he was getting sex from elsewhere, could that be a reason for him not cuming or does it not having anything to do it with?

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if he truley loves u...like i truley loved my gf then u dont have a problem....its usally the female who has the problem...like when they say there somwhere and instead there in another guys apartment!


yehh, but whats that got to do with him not being able to cum?


im still tyring to figure out what the hell is wrong

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The thing is, my bf has been telling me how he doesnt get any sex from me and he its hard for him as a guy to be without sex for over 1 year, so i always try to please him as much as i can without him actually putting himself in me.


You broke him, You see what happens when you don't use it? You loose it.


but on a serious note, its odd that he did not get off, i wonder if he is stressing lately.

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Probably stress. Or maybe he was putting too much pressure on himself to cum and that made it more difficult to. It's nothing to worry about if this was the first time it happened. Consider it the exception. But it doesn't mean he was cheating.

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Being a guy, let me tell you, sometimes we are under a lot of pressure.


Being nervous, being stressed, can call lead to us not 'finishing'. Sometimes, I'm neither and I don't finish when I'm with my GF, other times I finish too soon!


It has nothing to do with cheating at all. There are just times where we can't, it's hard to explain, but trust me.

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Being a guy, let me tell you, sometimes we are under a lot of pressure.


Being nervous, being stressed, can call lead to us not 'finishing'. Sometimes, I'm neither and I don't finish when I'm with my GF, other times I finish too soon!


It has nothing to do with cheating at all. There are just times where we can't, it's hard to explain, but trust me.


Exactly. Wise words.

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Maybe the thing is that it has been too much of a rutine to do the same things over and over, hence dry sex, me myself would imagine that having the same sex positions and doing the same thing over and over 100% would make my sex drive lower, because I knew which threat I was in for. So no nothing to do with him being unfaithful or getting sex elsewhere, it could just be because of all the other factors written by people here, or what I just said And ah, if the guy has been giving himself a handjob before u two make up then it's way more difficult to come if he has been doing something else before.

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thank you guys sooo much for your replys. They have helped ease my paranoia. As for stress, he has told me he's being having a few problems with his parents for the past few weeks, maybe thats what he's stressed about.


I just have one question though, say if a guy was getting actual sex..could that be a reason for him not being able to cum? or does that not having anything to do with it ?


Thanks in advance

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It could, but doubtful. I find that me getting regular sex makes it easier to cum. What gets in the way is self service. You will find some examples of this if you read posts about guys having porn addictions and paying not attention to their women.

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Think she might have been referring to this part:


The thing is, my bf has been telling me how he doesnt get any sex from me and he its hard for him as a guy to be without sex for over 1 year, so i always try to please him as much as i can without him actually putting himself in me.


She took it as him trying to pressure you into sex. (if I'm wrong, Grrr is free to correct me)


I agree that he shouldn't pressure you and if you ever feel uncomfortable, don't do anything. You shouldn't be doing it just cause he wants you to, it should be because you really want to.

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You shouldn't be doing it just cause he wants you to, it should be because you really want to.


Ofcourse, he never forces me to do anything..things just get heated sometimes, i love him also and it brings us closer aswell i've noticed


I was just a bit confused and worried since he never came, as its never happened before so i didnt really know what to think.


To be honest, i still am a bit confused by it. Ah well, i guess there some things in life that we'll just never know the real reason behind it.

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yeah i agree, it can be so gut wrenching when my partner says no to sex, and we take it so personally even though it probly is really because they are tired!! and they are allowed to not feel up to it lol. But yeah i was kinda saying hes pressuring you, in his own way it seems, and ofcourse you yourself can correct me if he isnt the type of person, just sounds asif hes basically saying, i really need sex, bad, and im a bit miffed ya wont give it me, so im gonna make ya feel guilty hehe. Probly harmless, just my opinion. if ya do hold out, itll be sooooo awesome lol

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Contrary to what some movies, magazines, music, etc. may lead you to believe, people tend to not be wanting sex all the time. It has nothing to do with the other person, its simple that they aren't in the mood.


Just because a person doesn't "cum," doesn't mean he or she didn't have an incredible time. There could be any number of reasons which shouldn't be worried about. What counts is that you love each other, and that you had a good time anyways.

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yeah i agree, it can be so gut wrenching when my partner says no to sex, and we take it so personally even though it probly is really because they are tired!! and they are allowed to not feel up to it lol. But yeah i was kinda saying hes pressuring you, in his own way it seems, and ofcourse you yourself can correct me if he isnt the type of person, just sounds asif hes basically saying, i really need sex, bad, and im a bit miffed ya wont give it me, so im gonna make ya feel guilty hehe. Probly harmless, just my opinion. if ya do hold out, itll be sooooo awesome lol


Yeh im definatly waiting until im married, but theres some things i will do with him because i honestly do love him and to be realistic you cant be with a guy these days for over one year, tell him you love him and in the meantime only giving him kisses, i'de understand his frustrations and i couldnt do it anyways i doubt many guys would be able to put up with it, i most likely couldnt, but sex is something can definatly hold on to until im married and hopefully he'll be the one.


Thank you sooo much for all your comments guys, they have helped me out sooo much Made me feel a whole heap better too.

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