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mixed signals..?


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So, over the past month or two I've concidered this girl, and now I like her, and i think she is giving me some hints, but it's super hard to tell. she smiles and talks to me on occasion. she is somewhat quiet, she only talks to a few people, and it's hard to get something out of her, and she's pretty confusing. she seems to talk more at ski practice and out of school.

one day, i was looking kindof down and she came and sat next to me, and talked, on valentines i made her something (that i made 30 other people) and she was slightly surprised. today we had a good conversation, and i think she gave me some hooks to bite on, but i diddn't. it's a little amazing when she talks to me because we're not best friends, and she talks seldom to others. i am debating on wether or not to talk to her about my side of the story, to see what she has to say. friends say she may be interested, but i can't be sure. what should i do -- talk, go for it all at once - which i would not do but it's out there, or.. what?

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Sometimes, you just have to take a chance and talk to her. I have always been told you just dont know what can happen unless you take the chance and find out. Worse case scenario, she turns you down. But at least you took the chance.


And you might think to yourself how bad it would suck if she turned you down, but believe me, it might sting a little at first if she does turn you down, but you forget about it so fast...so fast...


Besides...she won't turn you down anyway...

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