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Survey: What do you look for in a potential significant other?


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I'll start it off...


I hope to find a woman who I find to be actively ambitious, enthusiastic, supportive, confident, humble, creative, inspired, curious, perceptive, objective, intelligent, wise, grateful, generous, emotionally balanced, gentle, playful, affectionate, sensual, honest, faithful, and physically attractive, who also finds these same qualities in me.

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someone who can love me back the way i know how to love. someone who respects himself, as well as me (of course!) someone who is driven, passionate, caring, outgoing, sensitive, courageous, funny, confident, yet can admit when he is at fault, someone who will take responsibilities for his actions, and someone who is not afraid to show his emotions. someone who makes me smile just thinking of him, and someone that tells me i make him happy, i am the one who brightens his day and makes it worthwhile, because i am and only he will deserve my love, all of it! most of all, just someone who will love me for the way i am, and not want to change me.

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The number one thing I look for is someone who knows everything about me and still loves me. Someone who loves me because of my flaws because they are what make me who I am.


I look for intelligence and wit, humor and sarcasm, size (height, body, and other ). I look for someone with a nice smile and someone who is loveable. I like to hug and kiss and hold hands so I like people who like PDA (to a certain extent).

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Someone physically attractive, I know you shouldn't but what attracts you to them in the first place? Cute and interesting personality... I don't necessarily believe you have to have loads in common to have any chance of making a good relationship; as long as you both enjoy each others company and make each other happy.

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I've always said that I like someone with specific characteristics. I remember actually listing certain qualities that I look for in order of importance. But now, I realize, I've dated many different types of guys and there's not one specific type of guy that is "my type."


There are a couple of qualities that are very important and cannot be missing: Trustworthy/honest, has a sense of humor, sincerity, likes children, and is someone I find attractive (what I'm attracted to definetly varies, and many times as I really get to know certain guys I become increasingly attracted to them). If I can sit and talk to a guy for hours without looking at the clock, that is a great sign.

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Someone who is:


Sweet, loving, faithful, funny, laid back, down to earth, caring, loves me for me, someone who respects me, enthusiastic, happy, shares some of my interests and goals, but also has some of his own that I can become interested in.

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Someone attractive in my eyes, kind-hearted, ROMANTIC, affectionate, warm, polite (good manners are very important to me), sweet, sensitive, thoughtful, compassionate, loyal, has a sense of humour enough to laugh at my dumb jokes, has faith in God and lastly, someone who would love me for who I am.


EDIT: Oh yeah, and someone who has a sense of morals and values. I can't stress that enough.

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