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calling all ladies...


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This is easy...


...his smile/laugh (can't beat it)

...his nose & ears (v small & cute)

...his eyes

...his hair

...his shoulders, chest, back, tummy (with scar), bum, legs


Everything apart from his feet (i'm not a fan of anyones)

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smile, eyes, shoulders, voice, smell. hands.


ren, smell is an intangible one. i HATE HATE HATE (did i say that enough) men's cologne. totally grosses me out. but i love that 'just out of the shower' smell...and some guys just seem to have a pleasant smell all by themselves--not perfumey...just plain & nice. i dunno.

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Hey Ren, in answer to your question, biologically speaking i think scent can be an excellent indicator of health and cleanliness. But personally, I'm attracted to scent because when a man smells good to me it makes me safe and stimulated. But no I don't like colognes etc. It's the way a man smells after he's showered... clean but manly. And no, I don't go sniffing strange men, lol. I usually only become aware of how good a man smells after I get to know him a bit.


The funny thing is when I met my first boyfriend (broke my heart), I thought he smelt horrible. Same guy, six months later and he smelled great to me. Should have trusted my first sniff!


Generically, I'd say I tend to be physically attracted to warm eyes, sonorous voices and strong arms and hands. But ironically every guy I've ever fallen for hasn't been due to physical attributes. It's how they make me feel when I'm around them. These guys tend to be intelligent, well-spoken, kindhearted, and witty.


But regarding the guy I love, it's ...


- they way his eyes light up when he smiles...

- the sound of his voice decidedly whispering sweet intentions in my ears

- the tender warmth of his soft lips embracing mine

- the way his firm hands explore and caress the curves of my body

- the way his clean, masculine scent makes me tingle when I bury my face in the crook of his neck.

- how warm, safe, and happy i feel wrapped up in his strong arms.


Oh yes and his springy earlobes aren't bad either. Yum!

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-eyes; dark, light which ever, if I'm talking to a guy, I love someone who makes eye contact alot

-voice; deep, but not gravely, smoker voices aren't sexy

-hands; long, elegant fingers, clean nails, no gold bands (unless I've got its mate on my hand)

-hair; clean, not too long, well kept

-chest fur; I really like fuzzy men, I don't like guys who wax or shave even if they are into weights

-smell; if he's sweaty from running I won't mind, but if it's cuz he hasn't showered in 2 days, eew. Too much cologne or cheap stuff is a turn off

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Ren- The sense of smell is the one sense most closely tied to memory. Memory triggers emotions. When a man's scent triggers a positive memory in a woman, she'll be more attracted to him subconsciously. People naturally produce hormones that are released through the sweat glands, and everyone has their own unique scent, so if you are going to wear cologne, don't over do it, be subtle, because it will overpower your natural scent. When choosing a cologne, you should test spray one you think you like on your wrist, wait a minute or two, and see how it smells ON YOU. It also helps to have a woman's opinion on the matter.

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Eyes are so important for me - they say a lot about what the person is thinking. I love really dark brown eyes, mmm! A tan is nice, long-ish natural hair, a little bit of facial hair, I like dark tall Greek or Italian looking men... I'm not asking for much really am I?!


Having said that, if the guy didn't have the personality to match then it would be a completely different matter, but since this post is about physical features I won't get all deep on u!

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i love legs. i'm obsessed with them. i look at everyone's legs, girls, and guys, old men, everyone. don't ask why because i have no idea. but my bf has great legs.


smell, smile, eyes, how he's not too hairy because i can't stand a lot of hair, the way he looks when he's in dress clothes, arms around me, the freckles on his left shoulder, and his ears

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I'm a bit surprised that more ladies here said they dislike cologne than like it. I love a guy who smells good. To the point where I will turn around and follow for a few steps to catch a good sniff. I think I probably look silly with a goofy grin on my face and half closed eyes. I love a guy who wears cologne. Not drenched in it, but the way a good perfume smells in the evening when he spritzes a short spray in the morning. It drives me crazy.


As for what I notice, other than scent, mostly height and strength. I'm tall myself, 5'11", so a guy who is a few inches taller than me and overall bigger than me (a guy who has 30 pounds on me) is such a turn on. And an all around cute face, soft features. I drool over people like Ryan Reynolds and that George doctor off of Grey's Anatomy, and my own bf of course. I'm not so much attracted to the chiseled look. A cute butt is a bonus.


As for personality, laid back and relaxed, as that's how I am. A strung out guy makes me anxious.


And laughing, it doesn't matter on the laugh as long as it exists. I love a guy who will laugh at my stupid humour.

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Eyes are so important for me - they say a lot about what the person is thinking. I love really dark brown eyes, mmm! A tan is nice, long-ish natural hair, a little bit of facial hair, I like dark tall Greek or Italian looking men... I'm not asking for much really am I?!


Nah, you're not. But if you find him, will you share?

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