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Could cheating be good? (PLEEEEASE BE OPEN-MINDED!)


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I don't think it has to do with thinking with your d.., I think it's something else. I was feeling that too.. if I end up marrying my current boyfriend, I will never be with another man and considering I'm really young I think I would have wanted to enjoy my singlehood a bit more. I never thought about it this way, but it's been on the back of my head for some time.


Someone once said "When we date, we still have the urge to sleep with other people. It is the love for the other person that prevents us from doing it". I would never cheat, but maybe I do wish I'd met my boy a year from now.


What can you do? Monogamy is just too cruel of a rule. Hahahahaha I'm just kidding here But you get the idea.

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aite...it aint right..ive been cheated on and its killed me, im alone and im miserable..would you want your girlfriend to feel that way..???

NO...dont wish it on anyone so if you really love this girl you will stay faithful simple as

been in love is worth more than getting ya d*ck wet, and it will destroy ya girlfriend...would you like to picture her been with another guy? of course not...so neither should you

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Okay, before I begin let me state- I NEVER think cheating is a good idea, EVER !!!! Before marriage, after marriage, anytime- period.

That is my opinion. But in order to help you and not judge you- Let me give you a textbook scenario of the real possibilities here:


Okay, say you go out and cheat. It is SO easy to say it will only be once, but how do you know you'll be able to stop ? Even after marriage. Cause let me tell you- You will have LOTS of hard times when cheating is all to easy to turn to. (especially during dry spells that will happen)

If you justify it now, trust me, you will find ways to justify it later.


How would you feel if your gf found out or got an STD ?

How would you explain it to her ? Would you be able to still have a relationship ?

What if you discover it's unfulfilling AND you lose your fiance for good ?


What if your gf got the urge to have sex with another man and got pregnant with his child ? How would you feel ?

Would you be able to forgive her ? Would you then want to build a life with her ?


What if you enjoy the infidelity and it becomes like an addiction ?

Will this become a pattern anytime life hits you with something major that you are worried about ?


Will it create committment issues for you permanently ?


Will it create permanent trust issues ?


How do you know you'll be able to keep the cheating a secret ?

(most of the time, it comes out one way or another)

What if you go through with it and your fiancee finds out - Then you have to call off the wedding, go through all the rigmarole, explain to mom and dad, grandma and grandpa, friends and neighbors that it is being called off because you cheated. Do you really want to deal with this ?


How do you know you'll even like it ? What if you then carry around guilt the rest of your life ?


What good will honestly come from you cheating ?


One of two things will happen.


1. You like it and can't stop


2. You'll hate it and the problem will snowball.


Either case is not good for either of you.

I really don't see anything positive that can come from this.


I think the most fair thing for you to do- Is at the VERY LEAST, postpone the wedding and separate from your fiancee.

Then you both can decide if you want to get married later.

Will she take you back ? Maybe yes, maybe no, but I wouldn't expect her to stick around.

If you want to be a free man, be just that. This is a serious committment, and if you are this tempted now, PLEASE don't get married. Because the temptation will be 1000 times greater after. Saying a few words at an altar does NOT make it easier to avoid if this is your mindset.

But if you are having doubts, your fiancee deserves the truth, plain and simple. Do this NOW !!! I doubt this sowing of oats will be all you think it is- usually it just equals a lot of trouble. But if you want to be free and single- Be a man and break up with your fiancee. It's the right thing to do.

If you want to be committed, be committed period.

Personally, I think you should just break up- I don't think you are ready for a committment of this magnitude. I think the best thing for you both is taking some time apart. But let her be involved in this decision, this is Her life too.

If you are having cold feet, she needs to know so she can decide if she still wants to marry you.

IMHO, you do not sound ready for marriage. So, I think the fair thing to do is call it off and be single. If you feel this way now, your marriage has a slim chance of working anyway.

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I broke up with my boyfriend of a year when I realized I needed to experience more with others and just be young and have fun because you're only young once. I was in love with him and cared about him deeply but Knew I would be a horrible girlfriend if I didnt get all of this out of my system.

So I broke up with him.

From the night I broke it off, I was out at clubs and just enjoying being irresponsible and having fun. This also made me realize a lot about myself, alot about what I need and who I want to be, and made me realize he wasnt the guy for me. I quickly fell out of love with him and never went back to him.

I'm very happy about my decision.

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