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Harder to talk on the phone?


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Does anyone else find it harder to talk on the phone with their gf's/bf's? This also applies to online chatting as well. I find that when I'm around my girlfriend, I can talk for hours. But online and on the phone, it's much harder to find things to talk about. Sometimes I worry that this is a sign. But what do you think about this? And how often do some of you call your gfs/bfs?


I called my gf monday night, but I didnt know she was at work. We went out for Vday on Tuesday, and Wednesday was really the only night she had off. Thursday she worked, and today she is at a concert, but I'm probably seeing her tomorrow. She had mentioned on Tuesday night that she had to catch up on a lot of homework the next day. I also figured that since I saw her on Tuesday, I didn't find it a complete necessity to call her the next day. I didn't really realize that the next I'd call her would be almost a week (Sunday is when I'll call her next, assuming she isn't working again). Eeek, hopefully she doesn't see this as a lack of initiative or that I don't care. Well on Vday I did something really special for her, and she seemed reallly really happy with it, so I don't think she'll think anything of this. And I know this is something miniscule, but I always seem to find something to overthink.


Ick. But anyways, yeah. Anyone else find it harder to talk to your gf/bf if you're not around them?

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How long have you been going out? It's harder in the beginning, especially if you don't know eachother that well. I knew my current bf of 7 months for about 7 months before we even started liking eachother. We have never had one awkward moment or anything, we're really good together. And maybe we're weird, but we talk on the phone everyday. We haven't gone a single day with no phone contact since we started dating. We always call to at least say goodnight.

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Actually, i find the opposite. I can have 3 hour phone conversations with someone in the beginning. As time wears on, and we know even more about each other, and are also comfortable with each other, the phone becomes more utilitarian.

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i have talked all night on phone, found it more comfortable....it became addictive sometimes.


I just didn't like the bills part tho....got huge ones.


Our mobile/phone companies should give lovers nice offers like night time free talk or free evening hours, could attract more customers i think.

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I feel awkward and incoherant on the phone.


I often talked to my ex over the phone with a bad cell connection while she was in the wheelhouse piloting boats with squawking radios and engine noise.

Hard to communicate subtle feelings that way.


I try to avoid phones.

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I'm not a phone person myself.


I don't know...it's just, unless I'm looking at the person and having a serious conversation I tend to lose interest in talking.


However, I do appreciate when my boyfriend calls me just to say hi or goodnight.

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I think it depends on the natural converstational compatability you have with the other person, w.r.t. turn taking, length of pauses, subtlety of humor, etc. If your converstaional/intonational styles don't really 'click', then the clues you get from face to face contact are really vital. If you do click on the phone with someone, conversations can get really deep & meaningful really fast, partly because neither of you feels as shy. Sometimes, face to face contact is almost too intense. Two exceptions: (1) cell phones & headsets are terrible for me, because the extra pauses just throw that natural tempo way off; (2) video phones are a nightmare: pauses AND weird distorted faces. No thanks.

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My ex didnt like to talk on the phone with me much. He was more the lets IM each other so we used to do IM conversations all the time. My best friend, on the other hand, loves to yak on the phone all the time. He calls me most mornings on his way to work and yaks with me for the 1-2 hours it can sometimes take him to get to work, and then he does the same thing when he is going home from work.


I like talking on the phone but I think talking face to face is better since you can see the person facial expressions and understand what is being said and the meanings behind it.

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