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bra removed


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earlier, my gf and i were laying on her bed. i reached up her shirt and was feeling her boobs. of course, she was wearing her bra. a little while later, she goes to the bathroom. a while after that, we were feeling each other again, i reached up her shirt again but this time was pleasantly surprised to find no bra. does her removal of the bra signal she wants anything or is ready to go to the next step. also, what would be the next step. we both started reaching down each other's pants today also.

one last thing, can someone tell me what the baseball base system is again. i was told a while ago but forgot what each base represents. thanx

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Maybe Its just an assumption...but in my mind..if you don't quite know what the "baseball" system is...you're probably relatively young. Nothing is wrong with being young...but keep in mind that if you don't know much about sex...its probably best to talk to an adult...like your parents...or someone you can trust. You want to protect yourself and others as well as you can.

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Honey you need to slow it down! What is the rush? Why is it teens today want to grow up so fast? Gosh if I could be 15 again boy I would certainly enjoy that again. Sex opens up too many doors and sometimes you should let those doors stay shut until you are a bit older and ready to open them.


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I don't want it to seem like i'm judging you or saying that you don't have the right to feel these feeling you are feeling...so i wont do that...but I will ask that you think about this...


If you already have sex at 15....whats left when you're 25. I think you will lose sight of what intimacy means. Take your time...don't rush giving yourself to her...because what if she's not the one...then by the time you're 25..your number has reached into the 20s and most women don't want a man who's been around. So think about that before you lose control and let go....be strong..hold out.......at least until you're 18. I think you will appreciate it all the more...then...


I wish someone would have told this to me when I was younger...it would have saved me a lot of heart break.

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im 15. i knew the baseball system, i'm just having a brain fart.

is this right:

1st- up shirt

2nd- down pants

3rd- bj

homerun- sex


i just can't really remember it for sure


mmm. maybe baseball was a slower game in my day. 1st=kissing; 2nd=shirt; 3rd=pants; 4th=sex. but hey...life is faster now. who needs kissing?

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Yeah things have changed...when i was only 15...S.T.D.s werent so out there..now you can't even kiss someone without possibly cathing something. There is an STD called Molluscum...no one really knows about this..unless they get it....but you can get it from protected sex and sometimes kissing....so If i was 15 or dating again..id put on huge rubber suit and never touch anyone. (LOL) no really thats how scary thing are these days. And no one understand just how serious..or pays much attention to anything unless they get an S.t.d, but by then...its too late.

A good friend of mines dated a guy who knew he had Herpes....he was he first...she trusted him..next thing I know she's balled over my bed...crying her eyes out..asking me to look at her genitals...and tell her what I thought it was....I didnt know..so we took her to the er....lets just say...I know what she had now...she was my best friend at the time..and my heart still goes out to her. SO be careful young lad...you can't look at someone and tell anything....so please take heed.

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ok. well, my gf and i have already talked about and we already agreed on no sex. at least no at this point in our relationship. maybe several years later. no one's answered my original question but every one keeps telling me not to have sex. like i just said, we've agreed on no sex already so i don't really want every 1 else telling me this. what i want to know is the answer to my original question.


keenan, ur baseball system sounds like the one i learned. thanx for refreshing my memory

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mmm. maybe baseball was a slower game in my day. 1st=kissing; 2nd=shirt; 3rd=pants; 4th=sex.


That's exactly what I was thinking.



OMG- when did 3rd base become a BJ? And what happened to kissing?




like i just said, we've agreed on no sex already


You both do realize oral sex is sex too right? Just checking.....


does her removal of the bra signal she wants anything or is ready to go to the next step. also, what would be the next step. we both started reaching down each other's pants today also.


I don't think anyone on here really has an answer for this. This is something you need to ask her. Also, try to just enjoy the moment and don't get too caught up in what the next step "should" be.




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yeah i agree er...i think because of your age..everyone is really looking out for your best interest and trying to save you from moving to quickly.

In all honesty..i'm married now and I wish more than anything that I had been a Virgin for my husband. He also wishes he had slept with less women then he did. Its just not worth it to rush it .


Oral sex is also a huge cause of STD's because no one thinks that a BJ can cause them herpes....or Genital Warts or Aids...but I'm here to tell you....it can. Also keep in mind that the rate of sexually transmitted things are very previlant in the high schools and colleges. Don't be a statistic....never trust someones "word" that they are clean...or think that "hey she's only 15...what could she have...because you'd be surprised.


Instead of trying to research "baseball basics" why dont the two of you go to a class on "how to avoid pregnancy and Std'S " i PROMISE YOU this is wayyyyy better then the bb basics.


Which i'm not 100% on...since I am a female and I think women care less about these basics...we are busy enough trying to smell good. Men usually know more about this made up code stuff. Try talking to an older man..a counselor would be great. Someone you can trust. Good luck laddy.

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I'm not here to judge you, and I won't.


I would talk to your girlfriend about how she feels. Her removing her bra could mean anything. Maybe she was uncomfortable wearing it, or maybe she did want you to go further.


I know you said that you agreed to no sex right now, but it's important to work on building your relationship until that point. It's especially important to do that when you first start to get physical. It's important to really work on being open with each other.


Your girlfriend is someone you should feel like you can talk to about anything without being embarrassed. She's not going to make fun of you behind your back, or laugh in your face.. at least not if she really cares about you. If you are "feeling" each other, and you can't even talk openly and honestly about it, then that's not a good sign. If that's the case, then maybe you can start to build your communication skills with her and ask her about how she is feeling about all this stuff you asked us.


Also, just take my advice. I'm not trying to say that you are too young or whatever, but you said you both agreed to no sex right now. "Feeling" each other can quickly, and I mean quickly, lead to sex. Just be aware of that and really know what you want right now.

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About the bases thing.. I never really knew about that stuff. Well, I did.. everyone did.. but it's not really an important thing to know. It's not like a guideline you have to follow. Just go with what you are comfortable with. There's no order for that.

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If youre concerned about the base thing that kinda tells me the first thing youre going to do is go and tell all your friends....not a good idea. Just enjoy the relationship your in and dont rush it, take your time, make sure you both know what your doing and are both happy with it. Trust me, this is not something you want to rush as you will come to regret it.



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You both do realize oral sex is sex too right? Just checking.....


sorry but a BJ is not sex. we all know what sex is and i appreciate that any kind of 'base' should be thought about seriously and not rushed into. but lets not kid ourselves that a BJ is sex, ur saying someone can no longer be a virgin even if they havent yet done the actual deed?

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I think we all have different views of what being a virgin is.


Some people think that you have to actually have intercourse. Others think that if you do anything sexual, or just certain things like oral sex, you are no longer a virgin. I guess it's important to talk to the other person and see what they think.


All in all, it really doesn't matter who's right about the virgin thing. People could debate forever and we all would never agree. The important thing is doing what you are comfortable with doing and not rushing in to things that you could one day regret.

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I think your baseball system is pretty much the system I learned too.


IF you think you might have sex, make sure you have condoms and that she's on some kind of birth control. I've had some friends who had children at the age of 16, 17 when I was in high school and it pretty much did them in. They could no longer play sports, hang out with friends after school, and basically have a life because they had to raise a child. So, take proper precautions. I won't sit here and tell you not to have sex because I'm not your parent and I realize that people will be people.


To answer your question, her taking off her bra means she's willing to let you go further. Have fun with the situation and remember to always take precautions if sex is going to happen, because men rarely think with their right head when hormones take over.

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My guess would be that your gf removed her bra because she didnt want you fumbling with it. If you want to learn a subtle nuiance then I would suggest learning the one handed bra removal.

Since it seems that you and your gf are messing around, take your own pace dont feel that you have to do anything. If you choose to have sex then make sure and use protection because accidents can and will happen.

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If she is already letting you feel her on top and in her pants, I think taking off a bra shouldn't have any question as to what she is thinking. You've already started to fool around like this, the question now is how far are you going to take it?


You have agreed to no sex. And thats good. But in the heat of the moment, when you are really into the other sexual activity you are doing, it is easy for feelings to get the better of you and you to go against what you said you would do. Many people can attest to this and regret their decisions later. Before you begin any of this stuff, you need to be fully prepared and know all the consequences of you actions. That is why everyone is saying to wait and not be concerned with how many bases to round. We don't want to see something accidently happen.


And bras can be constrictive and confirming on a girl. Removing it was to probably make it easier on you and her. And those darn things can be tricky to open for a guy since you aren't used to it. She probably figured, just do it herself and then she can be more comfortable as you touch her.

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I think its all ludacris and this kid (which you are, even though you may not think so) should not be trying to figure out the bases. If you want to figure out the bases go to a REAL baseball game. Sex will always be there so just cherish your youth right now. I know teens will make out that is a given but sex can totally wait. Because I tell you when you are older you'll look back and think "what was I thinking."

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sorry but a BJ is not sex. we all know what sex is and i appreciate that any kind of 'base' should be thought about seriously and not rushed into. but lets not kid ourselves that a BJ is sex, ur saying someone can no longer be a virgin even if they havent yet done the actual deed?


Kelly a BJ is considered sex, it may not "take your virginity" but it is. You may be to young to remember but it was a problem that our former President Clinton had to admit to. It was decided that oral sex is sexual contact. You can catch an STD or HIV from preforming a BJ. So in my book its sex hense the name Oral Sex.

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the next step should be whatever she wants it to be because you are obviously anxious to get in her pants.


I think the next step is to buy her flowers or get her a card, to ask her questions about her life and try to learn how to admire her female qualities. When you know someone and love them...its easier to take steps together...the next one...and the next one...


Baseball isn't the right analogy, because there are more then 4 bases and its not really a sport...its an art.


Sounds like you are doing pretty good if you have the respect at your age to communicate with her about what she is comfortable doing.

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