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My boyfriend and I are going to celebrate Valentine's Day tomorrow since we were both working all day yesterday and today... Anywaze I decided to get him a stuffed monkey, some candy, and a card and burn him a cd.. Is that dorky what im getting him? And what should I burn on the cd? Like songs I like, love songs, songs i think he likes?

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Thats not dorky at all. Im 17 and i got my boyfriend a little stuffed teddy bear and he liked. But about the cd just think of the music he listens to when ever hes around- and dont forget its not wat u get them but the thought behind it. Like i said i just got my boyfriend a little teddy and he turned around and got me 2 little kissing monkies with candy, took me out for dinner, bought me 3 roses and then we went to a movie. The fact of the matter is he like it because its from u.

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No, it's not dorky. It's sweet. As for the CD...how about music that the two of you like listening to together? Either 'hanging out' music for just spending the day together or driving around, or more romantic music for spending...quiet time...together. You could even do one of each, and label them Day and Night. Have fun!

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