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Yogurt And Yeast Infections


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im currently on the antibiotic amoxicillin for a bladder infection. because i have such sentive everything, i get yeast infections from any cillins. i eat lots of live bacteria yogurt to help and it does, but i also make a frozen yogurt tampons (ew, i know, but it REALLY works) to help cure the infection.

i was just wondering if anyone knew if you can put to much yogurt in the vagina?



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I've heard of the inserting the yogurt with the live l.acidophilus bacteria.


It never worked for me. Neither did that homeopathic YeastGard stuff. Or inserting garlic cloves. Or inserting borax powder in 00 gelatin capsules. Or any other "natural" remedies.


Give me Diflucan anyday. I'm all for Better Living Through Chemistry.


BTW, next time your doc gives you a prescription for antibiotics, tell him/her you are very prone to yeast infections and have him/her write you a script for an anti-fungal to take while you're on the antibiotic. It will save you time and trouble.


Or you could get some OTC stuff (Monistat, GyneLotrimin, VagiStat, etc). I developed a resistance to all those years ago, so Diflucan it is.


God help me if I ever develop a resistance to Diflucan.

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I've had yeast infections after taking antibiotics, too. Its a fairly common problem, the drugs kill off the bacteria that keep the yeast level in check. The yogurt with live cultures work well to, just dip tampons in the yogurt and insert them into your vagina, you dont need more than that. It has to be plain yogurt because any of the flavorings may contain sugar that will just feed the yeast more. Cranberry juice also works nicely, if you're having problems with bladder infections it can work for that too. The low acidity of the juice will make your urine more acid killing off the bacteria. Garlic is supposed to be good for relief, too. I've never used it internally, just eaten it alot, but some women insert garlic tablets into their vagina for a few hours to kill off the yeast. There are also over the counter creams made to be put in the vagina, I personally hate them, they burn and can cause bleeding with severe irritation. You can get Diflucan from your doctor, which is a one time oral tablet. If you're having yeast infections alot you may need to have your doctor do a thorough exam to make sure there isn't some underlying immune system disorder.

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my doctors and gyns (and i mean plural, hehe) have told me to use the tampon method. i get way worser infections if i use monistat and that kind of stuff because it destroys everything pretty much. diflucan works a lot too though, so i should probably go to the gyn, heheh. i'll do that anti fungal thing too, thanks

one of my friends also said i may have an immune problem because i get them all the time. i'll go check that out!!

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Ok, well, as long as you are following doctor's instructions.


It doesn't really sound like an immune problem. You take antibiotics, kills the bacteria in your genital area, yeast take over, use anti-fungals, bacteria take way over, take antibiotics again, kill bacteria, yeast take over.... blah blah blah.... wash, rinse, repeat.


It sounds like you're having a hard time getting the right balance back... I think like S2S said, you should talk to your doctors and see if they can get you back on track.


Good luck - I hope you feel better.

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I really hope you feel better.


This happens to a lot of young women. I personally have not had this happen after taking antibiotics, but a lot of my college roommates did. I'm sure that the doctors have seen it a lot, so if you make it clear to them that this is a common thing with you, they may be able to clear it up once and for all. (I hope!!!)

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What's worked for me is preventing them rather than waiting for one to show up.


I used to get the stupid things all the time when I was in my 20's and on the pill (hence the resistance to all the drugs that are now OTC....and all the familiarity with the natural remedies).


At my and my gyn's wits' end (and after ruling out things like diabetes), she suggested taking one 200mg Diflucan a month, every month, just to kill off any yeast I might have in my system. So, I take a Diflucan on the 1st of every month.


I've been on that regimen for about, oh, 6-7 years now and I can count on one hand the number of yeast infections I've had in that time.


Like I said....God help me if I ever develop a resistance to Diflucan.

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Preventative is best. I take one cranberry pill and one acidopholus pill everyday and have been free of bladder & yeast infections for nearly a year now. I used to have one or the other about once per month.


I have heard of the yogurt tampon mix and it apparently works very well for a lot of people and is much more soothing than monistat or other medicated creams on highly inflamed areas.


By the way, there are few yogurts that actually have the active cultures needed to prevent yeast infections. It must have ACTIVE cultures, which is why acidopholus works...it is the live bacteria present in yogurt.

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My GYN told me to use Dannon plain, nonfat yogurt intravaginally. I fill a 3 ml syringe with it and insert every night while I am on antibiotics. It does not work every time, but it does have good value, I just finished a week on penicillin and came out of it unscathed.

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Hi Kamue,


Are you on the contraceptive pill? I used to get yeast infections all the time because of it. I've had one in the four years since i stopped taking the pill, as opposed to one every two months when I was still on it (and yep, antibiotics would be sure to start one when i was on the pill, not anymmore though). I also found yoghurt tampons to be effective, though I never froze them.

Also, it might help to avoid alcohol, caffeine and sugar.

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  • 1 year later...

I'm another sufferer of being unlucky with the pill. OTC never worked for me, just took the edge off. Diflucan gets rid of it for 3 week but it always comes back by the third one, so right now I'm trying all the homeopathic remedies to save myself some money. So far Garlic is a fail (though it also took the edge off), I'm midway through my yogurt experiment and my hopes aren't high.

Is alright to leave yogurt in over night, some sites say yes some say no! I find it really irritating my skin if it finds its way out, especially if it dries. I'm worried its doing the same thing inside!


I can't wait for effective male birth control :sad:

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