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3) he lived at home and his mother was a controlling SOB that constantly treated him like he was a child and I was his keeper.

4) he dresses like a punk or a Goth, attracted lots of negative attention.

5) he had over 50 stuffed animals on his bed, how we ended up sleeping on the bed was something I wonder even to this day.

6) he farted all the time and his farts could kill.

8) he had an obessesion with a certain type of animal and that was what he drew all the time. He even made a 3 ft felt tail of that animal and would sometimes wear it in public, even when going out with me (that is a big thing I HATED about him)


oh gosh, ren. you win, big time. i almost choked to death on the pizza i'm eating b/c i'm laughing so hard. thanks.

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Dako, I know my ex was most interesting. I guess I should have known what I was getting myself into when even my hair stylist asked me what the hell did I see in him and she had been cutting my hair for the last 5 years. I had taken my ex to the hair salon because he insisted on coming. He was dressed in full Goth (and this was an upscale hair salon on the East Side in Milwaukee). Most of my friends found him to be a tad too weird for me.


Sometimes, you just have to listen to your friends.


BTW, he wasnt a Wisconsinite. He lived in Chicago. I have always loved Chicago and thought dating someone from there would be cool and he would be cool, ya right!


Keenan, if you just only knew my ex, you would found a lot more of his stuff weird. He also loved to collect porno comics of half human/half animal creatures and most of what he drew was pornographic half animal/half human creatures.


I wonder if I could post up the web address of his website on here. If you went and checked it out you would understand.


I guess I am letting go of him. A few months ago, I was pining for him and wanting SO BAD to get back together with him. Now, I can make fun of him. WEIRD

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As for his tail, he liked skunk things so he made a big old skunk tail out of black and white felt. The bad thing was HE LIKED TO WEAR THAT OUT IN PUBLIC. In the beginning, I found it funny but after awhile, it wore on me and I was embarrassed by him


I'm sorry Ren, but I just can't quite get over this. I'm still laughing, 10 minutes later. I know that there are lots of very different and interesting kinds of people in the world, and I love that. But...a skunk tail? That he made? Out of felt? In public? All the time? And he lived with his mom?


How did he explain the skunk tail, and at what point did alarm bells start to go off?


Did he spray, as well?

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Keenan, yes a SKUNK TAIL. Every year he attends some con thing called Fur Fest (one year I went with him to that and realize that WASNT FOR ME) and one year he made it. It is about 2-3 ft long, looks like a skunk tail with two pieces of black felt and one piece of white felt all sewn together. He didnt wear it ALL THE TIME because there were times I would get mad at him for it, or his mom would get mad at him for it. He liked to wear it out with me when we went shopping, out to eat, grocery shop, etc. His mom always yelled at him for it. In the beginning I found it interesting, but after looking at his artwork, and watching him wear his skunk tail, I began to get weirded out by him so I started avoiding him or not walking close to him when we were out. And no, he didnt spray.


And yes he lived at home and his mother was a strange lady. SHe's the one who has been trying to get him to come back to me. Dont take it wrong she liked me a lot because she thought I could shape him up. But she was a demanding woman who when she wanted things done her way WHEN SHE WANTED it. And she always wanted me to stay by him. That was hell. They lived in the lower level of a duplex. His room was right next to his parents room and his room opened up to the living room and his parents (both retired) WERE ALWAYS HOME IN THE LIVING ROOM. She had no regard for his privacy or anything. One time, I was over by his place, in his room and we were having a bit of "fun". His parents had been gone but in the middle of our "fun" the mom had come home and was mad at him for leaving something on the porch. She was screaming at him to come out and take care of it. He told her to wait, but she was like "GET YOUR BUTT OUT HERE NOW". She could give a crap what was going on.

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Well, after I read about all your ex's, I too came up with stuff about my ex whom I thought was perfect, and needless to say, irreplacable.


1. He has been on prozac for about 5 years now. I really should have asked why, I didn't. I guess I was afraid. (Can any of you comment as to why someone would take prozac for that long?)

2. It bothered me so much that when his x called, his phone rang with a different tune. And they were always in touch, even when we were at our best times, and I never heard about it. That was so disrespectful for me, how did I never say anything?

3. He was too old for me; never had enough energy. Spent half of saturdays sleeping to make up for sleep he didn't get during the week.

4. He rarely came out for a walk with me, and that's the one thing I enjoy a lot. Hold hands and go for a short walk after dinner.

5. He had absolutely no taste in clothes, or an effort to combine the right colors. I didn't care that much about this though.

6. He never loved me; just pretended. All the catering he did, all the affection..everything was to see if he could feel "that way" again, not because it came naturally to him. We lived a lie for 6 months. Remembering how great it felt when we first met, how special it felt, I feel betrayed. ALmost like my own Truman Show.


But I miss him more than I can put into words

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Wow, this has been too much fun to read. They say hindsight is 20/20. We can always see clearly when we're looking back at something.


I don't think my ex was an awful person. Just not the guy I deserved at that point in my life. (Even though he's the guy I still want.)


What's funny, there's this local paper near me that had a Valentine's piece with pictures of couples and their stories. About half of them had dismissed the person they later ended up with. I don't know if this feeds false hope for people who want to get their ex back, but that article just showed me how sometimes...we just don't see clearly.

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(Can any of you comment as to why someone would take prozac for that long?)


A doc told me the average length of time fro taking SRIs like Prozac is 8 years. Best to avoid those people taking medication for medical problems.

Very suspicious!

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all of my ex's live in texas?? (ha ha not really : )


I love all of my ex's for their own particular wonderful qualities and how influenced me and changed my life for the better in their own ways. but this is too much fun I can't resist!!


1. EX #1 - 'the artist'

a. he was too sarcastic

b. he was clearly pessimistic and thought eveyone was out to get him c. he was too obsessed with collecting velvet elvis pictures

d. he was too smart, with a 4.0 gpa

e. he never liked the same kind of music that i liked

f. he did not like cats

g. he was too self-conscious


2. EX #2 - 'rock star'

a. his jeep was never well taken care of and almost blew up when we drove to mexico

b. he never got it that i loved him

c. he was too hyper always fidgety and had to play with everything

d. he was impatient

e. he could not express his feelings...

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c. he was too obsessed with collecting velvet elvis pictures



He collected velvet Elvis pictures? LOL.


I gotta tell ya...between the skunk tail and the velvet Elvises, I'm now a bit more anxious about dating again someday. I read an article in the NY Times today about websites where women post pictures & facts about dishonest or weird guys they've dated (I think one was called link removed), so that other women can avoid them. I think you two owe it to the female half of humanity to get these boys posted.

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A doc told me the average length of time fro taking SRIs like Prozac is 8 years. Best to avoid those people taking medication for medical problems.

Very suspicious!


Yeah. Octopus, I have to admit that though I'm usually a pretty upbeat & low-key person, I've been on Celexa for two months now to help me fight through the break-up junk. I'm still me, but less anxious and grumpy. It feels pretty great--I might be happy to stay on it for another 5 or 10 years.


I'm not saying your guy wasn't messed up in other ways, though. The last one was a killer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I ran into my ex yesterday in church, and it set me back a little. So I just need to vent.


Yeah, I came over you to say hello. I am sure you are thinking "He still wants me". Well, you might have been right yesterday, but you know what I don't want you anymore. Something today clicked. I don't know maybe its a ephinany. I realized, you are not worth the tears, and sleepless night. You are not all that. Yeah, you look good, but you are not as hot as you think you are. Believe me, you are not. I thought you were beautiful because I fell in love. But more importantly you didn't treat me good. I understand if you didn't feel the same way, but there is a way to handle that. You tell me you like me a lot, then ignore my calls the next days. Thats teenager crap. We are mature adults. I told you if I was barking up the wrong tree, let me know and I will book. No, you told me I like you alot and think of you alot. You knew early on what I was about. I am Christian man, who treated you like I wanted to be treated. You didn't do the same. I mean you could even give me one compliment. Not one. You warm up to me, just to withdraw minutes latter. Then you act like nothing is wrong. You are as cold as a person I ever met.

Listen you don't owe me anything. The things I did for you were out of the goodness of my heart, but your indifference to me shows you really never cared. Why did you go out with me?. Why did you eye me for 2 years, especially when I was in a relationship. Even my girlfriend before you noticed you wanted me, and would cry for hours with my Mom about you trying to get me. So what, you finally get me, and now the challenge is gone. Is that what this was about. Were those times we connected as friends just your way of sucking me in your game. I thought I was dealing with a mature adult, but I guess I dealing with a 29 year woman who thought she was in high school. Sadly I am the idiot that fell in love with you. Just as much blame should go to me. My biggest weakness is seeing the good in everyone, and overlooking faults. Well, let me tell you something. I am not a fool anymore. No, No! You have lost out girl. You really did. You are going to feel something completely different when you see me. You won't be able to tell your friends anymore "Yeah I saw him today, and he was still not over me." That big ego of yours that you hid behind your spirituality won't be fed by me anymore. Let some other idiot fall for your trap. I have seen the light, and I realize that you need lots of help. I don't wish bad on you. No, I even forgive you, but from this day forward I am moving on. You won't be the object of my desires anymore. You won't be dominating my thoughts anymore. I am taking my power back.


WOW. That felt great!


Vent away.

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Excellent - I shall join this venting thread now that I am newly single


1) Smokes pot way too much

2) May have an alcohol abuse problem

3) Drives drunk

4) His apartment smells like old man

5) He cracks his neck at the dinner table

6) He rarely said "thanks" when I did something nice for him

7) He rarely told me I looked good when I dressed up special for him

8) He chain smokes

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  • He is one of the most narcissistic people I have ever met. He could get really self-absorbed and he would be me, me, me! I didn't allow it that much at first but after some time I just let it go.
  • He is a gadget junkie. He is very smart, approaching genius, so anything on "I want one of those" he wanted, to tear them apart and change them to…. what he wanted. You can imagine in the end what it was like for me to compete.
  • Non-demonstrative
  • Oh yeah, did I say self-absorbed already? I can't say it too much…..
  • Wrote me the shortest emails ever when he was away… sort of like "babe, the city is ok, nice hotel, meeting starts early tomorrow morn, miss u" THE END. And there I am dying to hear stuff.
  • Ditto telephone calls and text messages.
  • Self absorbed… when he was sick I babied him. When I was sick I babied myself and talked to my mummy who lives very far.
  • Self-absorbed….. when my cousin committed suicide, he fumbled through consoling me then after 5 minutes asked whether I wanted to go out and get pizza?
  • Self absorbed…. When he broke up with me, I had to look for alternative living arrangements. Never once offered to move out of our house
  • During the entire time he had a split personality… Jekyll and Hyde. One of them was really self-absorbed.

The very "nerdy" things I loved took him away from me. I learnt loads of tech stuff from him.

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