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On my birthday of all days...

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So my ex and I broke up the first week of November last year after a little over a year being together. It was such a rollercoaster of a relationship, we both definitely had our separate issues which created our issues together, and looking back it seems like it was such a mess and so long ago...


We've been totally NC since then, and today, on my birthday, she sends me an e-card saying happy birthday. It was just a quick note saying she hoped she got the date right, hopes I have great year, wished she could give me a hug through the computer...blah, blah, blah, BLAH, BLAH...


And she sent it from an email address that she only uses for her online dating communication...or for which has only used in the past...


What's the problem here? What's the question? Nothing really. I just felt like writing.....and why not write to you guys? Compared to a lot of the other posts on this site, this situation is nothing. What can I say? We had an amazing connection, we loved each other, and yeah, honestly I wish she were here to celebrate with me. Am I reading into this situation? What she said? No. I read the card, deleted it, and am not responding...and continuing to work on myself to make the next relationship with a wonderful woman way better...


I've just been reminded of her, how beautiful and special she was to me, our connection that I can't really describe in words, being visited by the memories, and reminded that she has or is moving on...and all this on my 30th birthday! AHHHHHHHHHH Do I get a little bow and ribbons with this or what????? What about a candle?????

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Happy 30th big guy.


If it is any consolation to you, it seems like the memories are the same for her as they were for you, or else she wouldn't have bothered to send the email.


You did the right thing by deleting it though. A lot of the people I read posts from could learn a lesson from you.


Get out there and have some fun tonight, and here's to hoping we age gracefully (and hopefully like Sean Connery)

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Hey thanks guys for reading my relatively insignificant post and sharing your birthday wishes!


You know, if I hadn't found this site, and started both asking questions and reading what other people had to say and offering advice to them, I probably would have read her email today and wanted to see her...so this site and the experience I've gained from helping other people out has helped me see things in relationships more clearly and make smarter decisions based on that...


...so...thanks everyone! In a big way...

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Happy 30th, Frisco!


I hope this year brings you alot of happiness, growth, and fun times personally and professionally.....

I turned 30 3 months ago, and it hasn't been too bad so far. Just the typical crap I post on here, LOL......but overall I can't complain.

I've read alot of your posts and I really appreciate your insights into different ppl's situations.

It's nice your ex thought of you on your b-day. Mine did too, only she told me not to read into it! I didn't care, just went on and had fun, did my thing just as you're doing now. I was not able to contact my ex for her bday last summer bec. I was in NC and didn't think it would be good for me. So it was def. weird and brought up stuff when she did call on my special day. You handled it great! I hope you meet a cute Frisco chick who'll give u what u deserve!

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