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ok, ive been seeing my boyfriend for just under two months now... it all started well, and we of course really like eachother, only the other day he told me he loved me, i mean i think i love him back, but im just not sure, he's a really lovely guy, very sweet, kind, caring and makes me SO happy (far more than anyother man has)

well anyway, when he told me, failed to say it back, mainly because when i say it, i want to honestly mean it!

and now, now things are slightly weird between us and i really want to fix it, i just dont know how


he introduced me to his family the other day which was nice, only they kept talking about marriage, im very happy with him and maybe i'd like to consider marriage in the future, i dont know, im really scared when he suggests it! but its odd, because when i was with my Ex the whole issue of marriage was easy to talk about... im just confussed



any suggestions?

-also, im his first girlfriend...

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Hey giggles,


I think you don't have to feel guilty about not saying it back. You didn't for a VERY good reason. You have only been together for less than two months! That is still very early days. I think it's just his little experience in relationships, or him being very much IN love with you.


Of course things are a bit weird... I think you should just tell him that you are crazy about him, and really want to see where things go in the relationship. That value honesty very high, and that you feel that things are maybe going too fast. I mean talking about marriage after two months? The guy that did so in my past, was the guy that soon lost interest. He sort of burned all his energy in the primary stages of the relationship, and soon discovered he didn't fancy me. He just wanted A relationship, not me in particular. I don't want to worry you, but I think you need to find out why the guy is rushing so much. Is he an insecure man at all?



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You're fully justified in not telling him you love him yet. When you say it you should really mean it (what it means to you is a very personal thing, so unless you feel it, I wouldn't say it). Two months is a very short time - not that that says anything about him, but if you don't feel that you love him yet, that's fine!


With the marriage thing, if it really bothers you, have a chat to him about it. You're only 19, you've got your whole life ahead of you, there's no need to be worrying yourself over marriage and whatnot just yet.

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hi there,

i just broke up with a guy who rushed the whole marriage thing, and wanted to meet with my parents, and wanted me to meet his parents etc...


he is very insecure and i found out dodgy things about him as time went by. He could be rushing you cos he wants you to be commited before you have enough information to change your mind.


Now i think, the guy ought to be happy just spending time with you getting to know each other. Slow down.


Perhaps he is just elated to have met the girl of his dreams, but you are entitled to take your own time, and remember to spend time with your friends too.


Cheers and good luck

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