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Why Do I End up Choking in Front Of people

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I go to class everyday... about every class i could talk anyone. I feel good and better than every one. Teachers ask me questions and i reply normaly. But this one class I go to ... Im really quiet And whewn the teacher ask me a questions... My heart starts to beat really hard ..and i start to think really fast..and when i start to talk i make this choking noise (like an Emarassing noise). I start to studder and make myself look stupid.... CAN ANY ONE PLEASE HELP ME!!! i need to know why i end up choking in that one class THANK YOU

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What is the class? Perhaps it's the material or the subject. Is the subject in this class not your favorite? Sometimes we get nervous when we don't know the material well, and feel we'll say something stupid. It's not embarrasing to be afraid to make mistakes in class. That's all part of the learning process. We learn by our mistakes. Maybe, study up more on the material before class so you won't be so worried and choke when it's your turn to be called.

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Oh my - I am just like you. And I have a huge oral exam next week!!!


I think it could be a few things. You may not be incredibly comfortable with the subjet material. If this is the case, try to study more. Also, if you sort of know the answer, but not really, and you get called on, just answer the part of the question that you do know, or maybe state a fact that could lead to the right answer.


good luck

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Maybe you could talk to the Prof about it. Let him/her know what you are experiencing and that you are not sure why but until you figure it out, could he/she spare you the embarrassment of calling on you to speak in front of the whole class.


Hopefully he'll be understanding and may even be able to offer a suggestion or two. You'd be surprised how approachable some teachers really are.

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