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Sexy hair color :survey


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Considering you are going to get a different answer for every guy, I would say you will not come out with a "concrete answer"


Never mind fact that you can dye it every which way anyway...


Whatever hair colour you are born with, and/or suits you if you dye it, is probably the most attractive one. Keep it healthy, and take care of it and I think that would be far more attractive.


I would not have much tolerance for someone whom was attracted to someone based on their hair colour alone!



I've never had any complaints, but many compliments.


My mum is bald from chemo, and she is still gorgeous, and my stepfather loves her dearly.


RayKay - Natural Redhead.

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For most people it probably doesnt matter in the long run what the color of the hair is. There are probably some that have an initial attraction to some one due to hair color. I myself have black hair. I can't recall ever getting a compliment on the color of my hair, but plenty on the length.

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Orange..... no, green.... no purple!


Seriously, any color is fine because I'm not attracted to a persons hair, I am attracted to the person. It can be any color, but that doesn't change who the person is inside. If I connect with the person on the inside, I will find everything about there outward appearance attractive as well. A girl can dye her hair if she wants, but I think its natural color is best. We were given that color hair to begin with. Why change it?


And like a song says, "Honey I don't care, I ain't in love with your hair. And if it all fell out, I'd love you anyways."

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My guy has a thing for redheads which I am not. Once in awhile I'll dye my head red for a bit which he loves. (I dye it often, I don't even know what color it really is.) I don't know of any guy that won't date a girl because she doesn't have the preferred hair color. I've dated guys that liked brunette, blonde, red, and black.


I like chestnut brown hair the best. My boyfriend is blonde. Color just isn't a biggie.

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For most people it probably doesnt matter in the long run what the color of the hair is. There are probably some that have an initial attraction to some one due to hair color. I myself have black hair. I can't recall ever getting a compliment on the color of my hair, but plenty on the length.
How long is your hair? I am trying to grow my hair out long...about waist length. It is only shoulder length now though. Stopped using styling devices and started taking better care of my hair too...can't wait till it's long. ^_^
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RED! lol, i don't care really but people always ask what your favourite hair colour is. That's my answer. I'm not superfical though, so I sincerley dount you will ever hear me say "blonde, no thanks! dye it or bye!"


A guy I know once told me that he was glad the red had prety much gone on it's own from my hair(My hair changes it's colour naturally, i've never died it. my eyes change colour everday for some reason too..... chamelon DNA must have been mixed in with my own...) He was like "I'd never want kids with red hair. And then I scoffed at him. Lol....aw the superfical amuse me


RED! But natural red, not the died colour

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My mini survey said.... men prefer long hair. Longer hair is actually more cost effecient... not time effecient but cost. Didn't know that either.

Not really...I mean I have more time after washing my hair then before. I just let it air dry and that's it. No styling since there is no style...it's just a simple cut. It is the perfect wash and go style ever. And I love my wavy hair



I think we should ask guys this...what do you perfer...wavy hair, straight hair, or curly hair?

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HI cichlid chick,


My hair is waist length. MIne is completely straight, no waves or curls. THere has been only a few occasions in my life when I have had it short. I think the first time I had it short I was 16. Then once again in my late 20's, and the last time in my 30's. I have only done little trims since I was about 33 years old, just to keep it neat on the ends. So for the last 15 years I have had long hair.

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I think the sexiest haircolor is the person's natural hair color. A little bit of dye here and there can be fun, if it's used creatively. Pink tips or streaks are cute, for example. Just don't get too carried away and fry your hair, you'd be better off leaving it alone in that case. As far as hairstyle, I think it's sexiest when it's a versatile cut that can be styled differently from day to day. Keeps me interested. Most importantly, do something that compliments your features, and reflects your style and who you are on the inside.

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It depends on the person. I'd say whatever is natural is your best bet. Blondes look best blonde, redheads with red hair and brunettes with dark hair. I'm attracted to all hair colours and I've always found the natural hair colour to look the nicest.

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