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Do you love everything about me?


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umm... i think you grow to love everything about your partner good and bad. I don't think this is a fair question to ask... it sounds insecure. BUT, aside from all that, if you didn't dislike ANYTHING about your partner and everything was always great and wonderful, wouldn't things get boring? I think I'd get bored eventually.... but thats just a thought.

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That is sort of a strange question....I think when you love someone, you love them as a whole, and accept them for whom they are, you don't break it down into "I love this, but not that"...it's not like an inventory!


Likely there will be little things that are not "lovable", but they are acceptable and workable as the whole package (within reason of course).


I don't expect my partner to love "everything" about me (I am sure he hates that I always forget to take the kleenex out of my pockets before I put stuff in the laundry!) but I do know he loves me for whom I am - and that includes those quirks that also make me more real.


I would really wonder why someone would be drive to ask this...seems a bit insecure. And I don't think it's a fair question, as if you say anything except yes....it will probably lead to well, disaster. But if you say yes, they will know it's not the real truth.

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I don't love the way my boyfriend fidgets and shakes the entire couch. I don't love the way he picks his nose. A lot. I do love every little and last part of him though. Like others said, when you love your partner you love them as a whole, even the parts you don't particularily like.


I learned in elemantary school that traditional Japanese artists would intentionally paint a stray mark on their piece. Why? Because there is no real beauty in perfection. I've always been fond of this bit of insight and I think it applies to your question as it does to many aspects of life.

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That's a nice variant to "Does this dress make me look fat?"

There's just one acceptable answer.



My response "Oh yes honey! I love it when you fart in bed, I adore your shaving scum all over the sink, I can't wait for you to scratch your balls in public"

Anyway, seriously...

I saw a bumper sticker today that covers this very topic "If you think you're so perfect why don't you try to walk on water". No one is without flaws or annoying habits, but that doesn't mean you love them any less.

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That's a nice variant to "Does this dress make me look fat?"

There's just one acceptable answer.


or on the other side of the coin..."how does my tool compare???"


You're right no real answer to these questions. No one is perfect... you take those parts that you find adorable... and those parts you migh find less desirable and if you can live with them... then you just take the person as a whole.


Walkng on water???? hmmmm well I'm sure he had human traits that others would have found irritating too. We're only human. And so was he in the form he took while here.

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Do you love everything about me?


"I love you, all of you. I may not always like the things you do, but I love the person who does them. You are a beautiful person, inside and out. You are the best person I know and have many enduring qualities. And even the things that aren't perfect about you, just serve to make you who you are. You are perfect to me, and thats all that matters. Hey, I'm not exactly perfect myself.... far from it. But that doesn't matter. Because the love we share is perfect and goes beyond little differences.


I love you baby, with all that I am, now and forever."

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