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my girlfriend wont let me cyber


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my girlfriend wont let me have cyber sex what can i do to convince her to let me? weve been to gether about 1 and 3 quarters of a year and i love her....she knows that.....but i like to have cybersex with different girls...not sure why, just like doing it alot.....what can i do to convince her to let me?

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Chances are you are talking to an 80 year old man anyway. I can understand why she is upset. Maybe you could compromise by sending her naughty emails or something. This way you could get it out of your system and keep her happy. If it is because you want to cyber with other girls then maybe you need to give it up or face losing her? It depends on a lot of factors.

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by the way im 17.....ive shes the only one ive ever had sex with....second person to ever get head from...second person to get a ....well ill stop there but maybe thats got something to do with it??? people my age are usually having sex with a bigger variety of girls...idont know just trying to figure this out

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I wouldn't let my boyfriend cyber either. Heck, I'd see it as a huge red flag if he asked me if he could. I don't consider it intellectual cheating. I don't consider it emotional cheating. It IS cheating.


If you feel the need to cyber.. Is it because you get turned on by reading sexy stories? Try erotica. Or do you like creating one with words? Write your own. Or if you simply like cybering could you try doing it with your girlfriend? Is this something you crave because you're not satisfied with your relationship or do you think that you'd feel like this regardless of who you are with?

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I wouldn't mind my partner looking at porn but engaging in cyber or phone sex is too personal (it's interactive cerebral sex with another person) and would seriously bother me, ALOT.


I don't think you'll find very many women who'd be willing to accept you engaging in cyber or phone sex with other women. I'm sure there are some out there but they might be a little difficult to find.


If she doesn't accept this behavior you may just have to ask yourself which is more important, cybersex or your girlfriend and take it from there.

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Perhaps if you have the desire to "cyber" with other girls and to sow your oats, you should not be in a relationship at all.


I think MANY girls/women are going to have a problem with you carrying on sexual conversations and "cybering" with other woman. While it may not be "physical contact" it is an emotional betrayal. Your girlfriend would still feel betrayed and hurt that you would want to share that kind of intimacy with other people. To me it certainly DOES qualify as cheating as it is an intimate involvement with other women whom are also reacting back.


I suggest if you feel the need to do this, you be single, or find someone whom shares your views on it, and let your girlfriend find someone whom will be committed to her and share her values.

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haha. no offense or anything but would i be in here trying to find out ways to change how she sees cybering if i was immature and "jsut going to hurt her"?


no, id be cybering, not feeling bad....or just cybering feeling bad and comin in here to help me feel better about myself a little (that im trying to fix it).


not to sound like a * * * * or anything...

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by the way thanks everyone. seems im screwed.


Interesting way to put it.

Real girl...cyber girl. I don't see a tough decision, guy!


Do you want to be like some guys who prefer cybering to the real deal?

Guess how they got started as virtual studs.

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