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Oh god, Please help.

ToxiC SweateR

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I'm having a mental breakdown. A couple of weeks ago, (not sure on the date,) my girlfriend and I were at her house. We went to her bed, stripped down to nothing, and attempted anal sex. Though we did not have anal sex, nor did my penis go inside of her, I felt the tip of my penis touch her vagina on accident. At the time, I thought nothing of it, but she hasn't had her period since! Though I didn't notice any pre-cum, I've heard that just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it's not there. Is she pregnant? She hasn't had her period, and alot of the signs that show someone is pregnant are appropriate to her. Please help, this is very difficult. She says she's afraid to take an At Home test because of the results. (too soon, will show up false etc..) She told me she was taking Amoxicillin for an ear infection she had, and I have searched the side-effects on Amoxicillin and a missing period is not one of them. Please help!!!!

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i can understand how you must be feeling anxious and scared about this.


unfortunatley the only way to find out for sure, is to take a test, or see the dr for a blood test. from the information you have given, it seems unlikely that she could be pregnant - although technically possible, i think the chances of conceiving from 'just touching' are unlikely.


encourage her to take a test - or if you think the home pregnany tests show up 'false' if done too early, visit a doctor. If youre gf does not feel comfortable visiting a dr, she (or yourself) could get in contact with a family planning centre (they should be listed in yellow pages). They should have some good advice on what stage you can take a pregnancy test. I thought that the tests can be taken from anytime after you have missed a period.

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im not sure what else could be causing it... is she usually regular? has she ever have had a delayed period before?? I dont think you should rule out pregnancy, but from the information you have given it just seems very unlikely.


it is clear that you are feeling very distressed (which is very reasonable) by the possibility of your gf being pregnant. so i do think the best thing to do is to take a test - read the info on the packet, it should mention at what point the test will be effective. And Im quite sure its from the time you have missed a period.

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okay i dont want to be too optimistic because frankly anythigsn possible but i want you to understand that the chances of getting pregnant without actual intercouse is VERYYY LOW. mix in the time of the month (if she is not ovulating or close to ovulation then even WITH intercourse the chances are slim), pregnancy from your penis touching her vagina are rare. i mean you know the deal, when you ejaculate inside of her millions are killed off immediately. to get pregnant without intercourse is highly unlikely and there are a host of reasons she could be late or missing. but is she even due?? this happened two weeks ago, which would mean if shes due now she was ovulating at the time...the best thing to do is to tell her these facts and also have her visit a doctor. most clinics have no problem with keeping it completely confidential. and next time when you do fool around remember and remind her of what it felt like with this guessing game and be more cautious. and ofcourse there are other risks involved such as stds so using protection is always a good idea. but yeah just reassure her that the chances are VERY SLIM (if waht you described was accurate.)

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you should be using condoms if you are scared of pregnancy. Yes you can still have your period. if there is blotting afterwards that is also something that can happen. If she is concerned aobut it and gets morning sickness or bloating etc...she should just get tested. She should get tested for the fact that there was no condom.

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A few things:


I'm not sure of your age, or more to the point, her age. Young women very often have irregular periods. They may not occur at regular intervals, and it is possible to plain just miss one.


Many things can affect the regularity of periods. Any hormone imbalance can for example. Although an irregular cycle does not appear to be a possible side effect of the antibiotics she was on, it still doesn't rule out the possibility. It could even be plausible the infection itself could cause some internal upset in that regard, although not highly likely as far as I know.


An unintentional, "dry" touch between the two of you in that area is unlikely to get her pregnant unless you're both highly fertile, and it was the correct time of the month. A touch on the outside is unlikely enough to provide enough of a mechanism to transfer any sperm to where it needs to be (for example, unless she was extremely wet herself, there likely wouldn't be enough fluid for the swimmers to get to the egg, but again I'm not expert on such things).


You should be able to nail down the date this occurred fairly closely. Use this info and check some websites to determine where she was in her cycle, and how likely conception would be. That may put your mind at rest if it's outside the expected period where she could expect pregnancy. If it's within the likely period I suspect that's something you need to know (but doesn't really make it any worse as you're already very worried).


What signs of pregnancy does she have?


I have a few general concerns aside from the pregnancy which perhaps you can consider in the future:


1. The anus is very close to the vagina. Had you orgasmed in her anally(or on her) then there would have been a very high probability of sperm on her vagina. Far more than the unintended contact you made.


2. To ward off the chances of an STD unless (you both know you are 100% clear) you should still be wearing a condom for anal.


3. The fact that you know there was no pre fluid suggests to me that you weren't using lubricant. Ouch ... don't go there with anal sex, you need the lube!

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