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This Is Your Brain On (in?) Love.....


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So this chemical reaction, love, evolved as an emotion to serve as a smokescreen to prevent religion from interfering with making babies.

Then religion would have to predate love in order to make it necessary.



Learn something every day.

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I know the post was venting. If it was just about sex then finding someone wouldn't be as important to you as it is. I really hope things are going well for you right now.


And good going changing your sig. I was hoping you would change your mind and take that one part off.

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Sure you didn't take the link down because you were afraid that someone may compliment you? If people say you aren't ugly, you can't use that anymore as a reason to be so down on yourself. I'm sure you are not ugly and are probably a great looking guy (though I need some ladies to back me up here, cause its not the same coming from a guy. Hello! Ladies! I need your help here!).


Honestly, I just want to see you do better. I know you probably won't believe anything I say, but I feel I should say them just to show that it doesn't have to be as bad as you think it is. There is hope and there will be great things in your future.

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She2Smart.. thanx for the article. Will probably look for the book by HELEN FISHER "why we love" for a more indepth study.


YEP... I think I'll stick with the chocolate cake for now.


hmmmm... I wonder if there is any correlation between weight gain in marriage and the loss of "romantic love"... when the initial euphoria wears off and now you are "stuck" in this thing.. and you start compensating by hitting on the hard stuff.."chocolate cake" to self medicate.... hmmmmm.


I did read somewhere that during the initial stages of love. The body releases pheromones. And you grow addicted to your "love" because the "PHEROMONES" attract you. Later.. the pheromones level off and/or you become used to them.. that you arn't as attracted or have the same feeling you did when you initially started.


Also read that... no matter how bad the relationship gets..when you break it off, you have to wean yourself off of these pheromones. The break up is not only a mental/emotional break..but a chemical break. Kind of like getting off a drug or alchohol dependency. The author went on to say that one of the BEST things you can do to "wean off" is to either MOVE. Because then the mental memories of the space is gone as well as all residual pheromone smells. OR you change your space. CLEAN and Wash everything. AIR out the space. Change the space buy new furniture. As time goes on all residual traces of Pheromones will disapate...


Thanks for the article. Gives me stuff to think about to researc.



DAKO... where the heck were you??? and you didn't PASS that bottle to SHARE with your BUD???? grin. I soooooo stayed away from booze that day. Had a few pieces of chocolate..and tried to keep myself busy from MORNING till NIGHT.. to keep my HEAD off of it. Watched the clock all day.. tic tic tic tic tic... till it hit mid-night and V-day was over with... wheeeeeewwww... made it. UNSCATHED.


Actually.. grin.. i had to travel on biz the next day. Had I not.. I'd have found bottle of JD and coke really quick.


TARGET has a section on HAPPY DIVORCE DAY???? whoooo hooooo.... if not. We should get PITHY and design our own. I think there would be a HUGE market for it?????

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