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This Is Your Brain On (in?) Love.....


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The problem with science is that it takes the magic out of everything. As much as you can try to explain things with chemicals and phermones and all that, there has to be something deeper. Love comes not from the brain. It comes from the soul. It's not a reward, its about giving of yourself to another. And this, I'll always hold true.


Thank you for the article shes2smart. Good to read, even if I disagree.

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Do you have one of those funny hats and a noise maker? The more outlandishly over decorated the better.


I'm going to Target after work. Maybe thay have a "Last Anniversary" section near the card rack. I was there a while back looking for a divorce card for my ex. Out of stock...

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Well, one of the thoughts I had reading the article was along these lines:


If you're currently in a "Love Stinks" phase or a recently broken up phase, knowing there is a physical component to the way you are feeling can be something of a relief. It's NOT your imagination, and while it is in your head (seein' as how that's where most people keep their brain), it's not all in your mind.


If you can do something to ease the physical portion (by, say, doing other things that set off those "whoopie!" chemicals) you may be able to kick-start feeling better in other ways, too.

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Wow, I had just typed a reply to this post , and in a split second while I was typing, my computer kind of blinked or something, almost like the page refreshing itself. I lost the entire thing I had typed. I will come back later, I have been sick for couple days now, with head and chest cold, fever, coughing , sneezing, aches and pains. Right now am to tired to sit here. Hope all is well with every one today.!!!! I am gone now to " medicate" and get back in my bed or on the couch.

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