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Forget V day


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I know most of you will be thinking of your ex during this time of year , but I have found a perfect stratagy to forget about this day. Tonight my single friend and I are grabbing some cards, a movie and 3 bottles of gin, coming here and getting so loaded we will wake up on the floor and it will be tomorrow. thereforeeee it will seem like this day didnt even happened. Just my idea....It may work it may not , we will c, plan begins in 4 hours.

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no worries I will be careful, The thing is I usually have a gf every v day so i go out to dinner and what not, but this year is dif, I could go out with a couple dif girls but I dont like them enough to take them out. So im getting drunk.


xtina what the heck is that creature in your picture?

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You're just the cutest guy I've ever seen, and a hex upon your ex for not seeing that and being here to spend the best Valentine's Day of her life with you. That said, I'm getting drunk too, and secretly hoping my ex will call even though I told him goodbye last night.

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curly awww thanx DRINK ONE 4 ME!!! and I shall do the same!!! Better yet come on over and we can get drunk together lol Its going to be one hell of a drunkathon. Forget your ex and focus on not falling over tonight


xtina , that Is one hell of a mangled kangaru, did it survive a nuclear war or something ? lol . Sorry i just thought kangaroos had large legs and boxing gloves.



PS: how do u spell it , kangaru or kangaroo. I should as crocodile dundee.


I will keep u all posted on my condition through out tonight , If you notice I stopped posting you know i hit the ground.

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Calgaryguy you're a bad influence, you've got me charge up to get messed up. I've got roughly six hour left of my sixteen hour shift, at eleven I'll be going home to a cold, empty bed and my first name is "Valentine" so people will be cracking valentine's day jokes at me until next week. It doesnt get any worse than that, bring on the alcohol.

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LOl quite the response we r getting here, lol. Valentine Im sorry man but If I was your friend I would crack jokes at you too its a friendly thing u know. Im not a bad influance Im just making a suggestion as to what people might want to do tonight , If you actually do get hammered or not is all up 2 u

*cough cough DO IT cought cough GET LOADED cough cough*


Nat - There is a plan 4 that too , we have a bin when u enter the pub that you put your cell phones , pagers , hand granades, and of course car keys in. That was everyone would have fun without being able to call or answer the phone. am i not the smartest little man around?



Pass - what does Enotalone Daquiri mean , is that spanish? cause I hardly speak any of it, I went to mexico a couple times , but really didnt learn much I was mostly trying to keep standing after all the tequilla i was drinking. Great times.


ALright people, Im finally home from work and Im waiting on my friend who is coming with 3 bottles of gin and 4 liters of tonic water keep ya all posted on my condition

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Pass - what does Enotalone Daquiri mean , is that spanish? cause I hardly speak any of it, I went to mexico a couple times , but really didnt learn much I was mostly trying to keep standing after all the tequilla i was drinking. Great times.



Not spapanish my friend. I was thinking and you put a drink recipe in my head.


Called "Enotalone Daquiri" get it?


Thanks for the idea!

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