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I thought in light of what today signifies perhaps to those who are newly single and sad about that, or have been single or even anyone with someone might appreciate this.


Enjoy and Happy Valentines Day to you,



A frustrated and desolate young woman was most unhappy with her life. She was at that point where she did not have a sense of where her life was going or where her professional journey would take her.


One day, she spent her lunch hour sitting in the park, staring into the distance, unaware of what was going on around her. She was lost in her thoughts about all that was wrong with her life. She had gained weight and continued to fight her need to turn to food for comfort. She was fearful and found herself complaining about everything to her friends.

After spending 30 minutes or so reflecting on her lack of happiness, she became aware of her surroundings. She felt a presense sitting on the bench with her. She turned and stared into the kindest and bluest eyes she had ever seen. The blue eyes were those of an elderly woman, frumpily dressed, but emanating an aura of such peace that the young woman immediately felt comforted by her presense.


The elderly woman stared at her for a long moment and as though she had read the young woman's thoughts, she said, "All good things will be yours."

The young woman was startled by this woman's words. She broke eye contact and quickly looked away. When she looked back, the eccentric old woman was gone, seemingly disappearing into thin air. The astonished woman looked around for her self-appointed adviser but did not see her.

When she looked down in her lap, there was a yellow rose and tied to the yellow rose was a tiny piece of paper upon which were written the following words:


Fear less, hope more,

Eat less, chew more,

Whine less, breathe more,

Talk less, say more,

Hate less, love more,

And all good things will be yours.


Mystified by the event, she left the bench with the note, the rose, and a different attitude. She had experienced what she later called a divine appointment. She cherished those written words, which have been written forever upon her heart and changed her life.

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