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valentines day is killing me.

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i was doing pretty well yesterday then today i woke up in the worst funk. i thought about her all morning and all the sweet memories we've had. its pretty bad today. i really didn't think valentines would affect me like this, but it has. god, i just want to be able to think about her without it hurting. so that memories of us will be sweet memories and not sadness twinged ones. its been 6 weeks since our break up.


how are the rest of you taking it today?

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I am taking today like any other day, I have already informed all my couple friends not to call me today. I have fallen off the face of the earth until tomorrow. I plan on watching movies, eating take out and having a couple of drinks, then to bed.


Keep yourself busy, know that we are here for you and vent all you want.


Good Luck and be well (smile the day will be over soon enough)

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Hey there,


I am so sorry you are hurting right now. **hugs** Days like this make break-ups more difficult.


I got out of a 4-year relationship almost 8 weeks ago and I am hanging in there ok. I made some goodies for my co-workers today and everyone was psyched so that makes the day a bit more bearable. Surround yourself with some friends today, days like this is when you need them the most. Hang in there, the day is almost half over.

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thanks you guys. i am trying to hang tough. trying to dive into work, so that i dont have to think about her.


kellbell...after 8 weeks how are you doing? how much of that is with NC? I know this is a very relative question, but do you think from 6 weeks to 8 weeks makes a big difference?

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Did all of us get dumped before the new year??? I'm at 6 weeks also, and I was doing better until I got to work today. I'm not thinking of sending her anything or contacting her at all but I just thought it would be easier than this today. Not sad or emotional but kinda blue. Nothing that a couple of drinks with the guys won't help, and I promise.......NO DRUNK DIALING!!!!!

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I know, I was fine about Valentines and thought I'd think nothing of it...BUT... I woke up...and I kept watching my phone. I didn't get anything though. No texts or anything! I've been pretty upset the whole day, but I'm going out to dinner with lots of my friends this evening, so that's something to be happy about. But I know it kills, I kept imagining him with this girl, and I imagine this girl to be 'perfect'...it KILLS!!! Also that a few weeks ago Valentines Day was supposed to be for me - he told my friend he was going to surprise me. But a couple of weeks ago he broke up with me... *sigh*, someone else is probably enjoying my surprise


Don't worry there's lots of broken hearts wondering the streets on Valentines Day, you're not alone xxx

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Did all of us get dumped before the new year??? I'm at 6 weeks also, and I was doing better until I got to work today. I'm not thinking of sending her anything or contacting her at all but I just thought it would be easier than this today. Not sad or emotional but kinda blue. Nothing that a couple of drinks with the guys won't help, and I promise.......NO DRUNK DIALING!!!!!


Yes, I think we were, my official dump date was Dec 28th....


Let the guys hold your phone until tomorrow, trust me on this one. I made a fool of myself last friday.

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Definitely the worst day in a while. Didn't expect to feel like this either.

Nothing is wrong, but everything is just not right.


At least now the workday is finished, free to let out the emotion and pressure. Going out to take my mind off for the rest of the night.


What don't kill us makes us strong.

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I have to admit....I had a pretty regular day - Instead of thinking about my ex, I imagined who I will meet next and how incredible that man will be gotta keep your hopes up everyone! even through the worst times, there's always hope

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