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what would u choose?


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I am going to change this to boyfriend...but, I would say if I knew they were the person for me, no way. I would also discuss moving together, or just finding another position - money is not everything after all, I'd rather have a job I enjoyed and a relationship that was fulfilling and amazing - and I can find both without leaving my partner!


The only reason I would was if the relationship was definitely "over" for either one or both of us even if not officially, or it was an unhealthy relationship and it was time to move on, or we were going on different paths and knew there was no future.


There is no way I would break up with my current bf though for a job or anything like that, we are partners and make decisions that affect us together - that goes both ways. But that is also because we plan on being together the rest of our lives, and so make decisions with that in mind too.

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What are the rules? How much do you like her? Can you disguise her as a maid and sneak her on board the Queen Mary?


Is this a "my boyfriend needs to go back to XX country and take over his parents' lucrative company, but to do so he must marry a woman of his culture and social class and never see me again" kind of question? Because I had a friend who did that. His girlfriend married a nicer guy the following year, and his parents company got taken over by a rebel government. For real.


Sorry. I guess I'm not good at hypotheticals. I'll be safe and say no. But I don't have a girlfriend.

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i would listen to my heart. if you love her and want to spend the rest of your life with her then stay coz money cant buy love. i let my love get away and now i do regret that and i always will, so dont do anything you will regret later on

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U assume to much Brando. Far too much. I know that i would give up everything just to be with MG, and she knows that to. One day ill marry her, shes the one. i know it, true love.


Analise your current situation, decide if u really need this money. If so, how much and how far are you two? is it magical, little/no effort, or is it a stain to say 'I love you'?

if its magical, can u 2 go together?


if its a stain

get the $$$


I hope that helps.

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