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Most attractive for me, several things.


Physical beauty. I think that's a no brainer.


Willing to participate in activities I enjoy, at least to try them once. Just a common desire for all couples.


Has to enjoy sex, wants to please me, wants me to please her.


As for GF material to being married, I guess I just give it time, and see how I feel about someone, if I can see myself growing old with them, enjoying their company. Its just a feeling I get.

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"if you had to pick the qualities most attractive in a female what would they be and why."


The qualities I'm attracted to in women are indepence, intelligence, a good sense of humour, and ight heartedness. I'm into outgoing girls too, cause it's a good counter to my quietness.


"Also what would transform a girl from just gf material to potential wife material?"


All of the above plus time (time to get to know if we are compatible over the longterm).

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if you had to pick the qualities most attractive in a female what would they be and why


Warmth, compassion, kindness, a good heart. I can't be with someone who would disrespect others. She needs to genuinely be a good person with a good heart who does her best to do the right thing and make the world a better place, even if its in some small way.


Also what would transform a girl from just gf material to potential wife material


The connection. It's in how we relate to one another and get along. Honestly, I don't differentiate. I'm not looking for just a girlfriend. If I'm going to take a chance with a girl, there is going to be a chance it leads to marriage in the long run.

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If I'm going to take a chance with a girl, there is going to be a chance it leads to marriage in the long run.


That's a tall order!

I never met anyone and thought of marriage or tried to judge the possibility. It took me years to even consider getting hitched to my ex.

I doubt I'll ever do that again. Right now I'd be happy with crumbs.


If you have a system that works for you, that's great.

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"Just curious, if you had to pick the qualities most attractive in a female what would they be and why. Also what would transform a girl from just gf material to potential wife material?"


Independent,intelligent,emotionally secure,passionate about life, sense of humor,respects all walks of life,kind and a big loving heart.With that said marriage would be in the picture IF we are compatible over time.

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That's a tall order!

I never met anyone and thought of marriage or tried to judge the possibility


Probably didn't state that in the best of ways. It's not as if I'm automatically judging every girl with the thought of marriage. Quite the opposite. I try to give pretty much no thought to relationships or marriage. That way when something inevitably comes along, it will be real enough to hopefully last to marriage and beyond. I don't really believe in dating or needing to have lots of relationships before I get married. I play my cards close to the vest, not taking a chance unless I'm sure. But when I'm in, I'm all in.

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I don't really believe in dating or needing to have lots of relationships before I get married. .


Sounds interesting.

I would suggest another plan, but maybe you've got some secret for finding Ms. Goodbar.


Marriage is something I don't feel eager to revisit, and can't imagine happening again. It just doesn't have that magical aura anymore.


My goal is relationship avoidance, so what do I know?

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I'm a romantic, dreamer and optimist. Don't think I could follow any other way. But I'll end up happy in the end, proving that I was on the right track all along. To each their own. Just got to have faith and believe.


Dako, you've had it rough recently. You don't need a relationship right now. Something will come along when it is right.

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I'm a romantic, dreamer and optimist. Don't think I could follow any other way. But I'll end up happy in the end, proving that I was on the right track all along. To each their own. Just got to have faith and believe.

I used to feel like that, a wide eyed looking for love sick puppy. Now I'm bitter, cynical, and depressed alot. And to think we weren't even dating...

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I used to feel like that, a wide eyed looking for love sick puppy. Now I'm bitter, cynical, and depressed alot. And to think we weren't even dating...


Not dating the one who broke your heart? Boy can I relate. Went through the depression, trying to be positive now. Try not to let the bad experience keep you down.


Sorry if the thread has been hijacked. Please, resume the original intent.

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Must be Kind,Smart,Physical is ok not really necesary but not over or below weight.Good self steem,Loves me couse who i am,Have allways inmind i aint perfect and she issent ither we all make mistakes,Someone i can really trust,Independent,Direct..i dont whant her to hides things from me(feelings,hate,desire,love...ect)Beautifull personality and of corse have lots in common and have intresting conversations not same old ones gets buring by time.Thats about it for me o yea...and i found her i allways wanted my gf to have green eyes do,but hell..she has cute eyes!!and i love them!

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