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b 12 deficency

Big Jim

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Anyone here have any experince with this? A friend of mine was dianosed with a ver low levels, and i have been doing some reading. It started with her being moody and tired all the time, now it seems like i dont know her at all anymore, her personality has completely changed...anyone experince similar???

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I imagine she is vegetarian then, as B12 comes from meat, and cannot be replicated in veggies/grains though there are supplements that can help. I was a vegetarian for years and had the same issue a couple times. You only need minimal meat to get your daily need in, so I wonder then what her diet is.


What did her doctor suggest?

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here is a good link on information on B12 deficiency.


Actually, RayKay, only strict vegetarians (vegans) are at risk for vitamin B12 deficiency (pernicious anemia). All animal products have some levels of B12, and you only need a little. It's bacteria that make B12, and you get the vitamin from B12 made in the animals, and then the vitamin is found in trace quantities in the meat. In fact, it's thought that you can get enough B12 from bacteria that haven't been washed well off your veggies.


Furthermore, it's thought that the liver stores a 5 years supply of vitamin B12.


So, probably fewer people than thought have low levels of B12.


So, there's some info for now

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here is a good link on information on B12 deficiency.


Actually, RayKay, only strict vegetarians (vegans) are at risk for vitamin B12 deficiency (pernicious anemia). All animal products have some levels of B12, and you only need a little. It's bacteria that make B12, and you get the vitamin from B12 made in the animals, and then the vitamin is found in trace quantities in the meat. In fact, it's thought that you can get enough B12 from bacteria that haven't been washed well off your veggies.


Furthermore, it's thought that the liver stores a 5 years supply of vitamin B12.


So, probably fewer people than thought have low levels of B12.


So, there's some info for now

Thanks Annie,


I was referring to strict vegetarians (I was a lacto-ovo- I had eggs and dairy, but I still became deficient my doctor suspected due to my activity level and blood donating - my iron was low too ), as I knew even little amounts of meat are enough in general. I did know it was stored....since I learned that when I only started having problems 6-7 years into my vegetarianism. Maybe it is because I washed my veggies!

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