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Sex with sister?


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Posting this for a friend, since he doesn't have an account here.


He's 23 years old, and his sister is 21. Basically he tells me his sister's started having friendly sex with him - it started as a birthday present from her to him, and has escalated into a casual thing. Besides the sex, they're normal brother and sister. He tells me they now sleep with each other every day. They both enjoy it and have no intentions of stopping, but he wants to know peoples thoughts on this.

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It's illegal here.


Edit to add:


What is is?


Sexual intercourse between close family members e.g. fathers and daughters, mothers and sons, grandfathers and granddaughter, brother and sister. The offence can only be committed when the woman is of childbearing age. In terms of incest this includes half-brothers and half-sisters.


Incest is illegal and is an arrestable offence.


It can also be seen as child abuse.




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I have nothing to say about that... have no brother or sister... but, it is a bit out of ordinary. Imagine when he has a girlfriend... his sister will be really pissed - not healthy. Because of other reasons besides this one - they should stop this..

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A topic like this came up once before, see :


I personally think it's totally wrong, unnatural, and disgusting. Were they sexually abused as children?


I hope to god if nothing else- they are using birth control- because god forbid a pregnancy occurs




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The social and psychological ramifications of this are very severe. In most countries, this not only is this highly taboo and illegal, but it is setting foundations for a potentially dangerous consequence. Any children produced by accident or intention will have a high probability of birth defects or genetic disorders. There are also many legal concerns to be mentioned as well. If the siblings involve are not capable of personal responsibility, many courts will consider the parents or guardians liable for their (the siblings) actions. This is a very serious matter, you should advise your friends to stop immediately. If need be you maybe the person that has to instigate the separation by alerting authorities or someone who can end this.

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First off they are NOT normal brother and sister, and to say that they are in every way except that they sleep together is just silly. If you have noticed most all the replies here are telling you that gross, wrong, illegal...etc and there is a reason for that, because as a society it is believed that a family is a safe haven from abuse, and incest is abuse even if the two parties are willing participates. The long term effects on something like that are terrible, mainly after being in a situation like that how can either of the two go on to have a normal healthy relationship with another person. Its also mentally abusive, because when the parties become involved with other people, possibly even get married and have a family the cycle of abuse continues, and the family safe haven is basically broken. Not to mention one reason it is illegal is because of the fact that biological brother and sister share too much of the same DNA and the more you share with your partner the more likely there is a chance of having offspring that are mutated, yes mutated. Because thats what happens, when you have 2 people that have the same recessive genes (brother and sister) and the have a child, then the recessive gene becomes dominate and will show characteristics in the baby, example...missing fingers, toes, or extra fingers, toes, hearing loss, facial deformiaties...you get the picture. Anyways, if your friend is indeed sleeping with his biological sister you need to try and get them to get help, consuling, therapy...something, and if that dont work you may need to go one step further and possibly tell their parents?? If that is a option, but in my opion they need help because incest is one of the worst forms of abuse, even if the participants dont think there is anything wrong with it. Good luck and I hope you can convience them to get the help the need.

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Were they sexually abused as children?


I hope to god if nothing else- they are using birth control- because god forbid a pregnancy occurs

No, and I believe they are using contraception.


possibly tell their parents??

Hmm, well as I said, they're over 20, and they don't live with their parents. Actually, I don't even know their parents at all, so that's not an option.


Basically they consider it a 'sibling with benefits' relationship.

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I am beginning to think that they have suffered sexual abuse as children, and if they experienced that type of situation together at a young age then they may feel safe with eachother, and think that sex between themselves is not wrong..I mean if they experienced abuse by say their mother or father, and nobody ever stepped in and stopped it, or if someone knew and did nothing to help the kids then it would seem natural to them to continue having sex with eachother, since they never was exposed to a normal healthy family life. In fact they may see eachother as the only other person who understands and cares, as bad as that mean sound. I would do everything I could to get them to seek help, and confront whatever problems they may have so they can deal with it and hopefully move on and have a normal healthy realionship with someone. If not, the cycle does NOT break itself, Im sorry but if they dont take an active role in stopping the abuse they are inflicting on eachother then its just a matter of time before something worse will happen. I would hate to know they could possibly start families later on and have the same idea about their children, and continue the abuse cycle with them. I know it is hard to convience someone they need help when they think they dont, but in this case you have to do whatever it takes to make sure that they do get help and dont let it continue into another generation. Wish there was something more I could tell you.

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because as a society it is believed that a family is a safe haven from abuse, and incest is abuse even if the two parties are willing participates. The long term effects on something like that are terrible, mainly after being in a situation like that how can either of the two go on to have a normal healthy relationship with another person. Its also mentally abusive, because when the parties become involved with other people, possibly even get married and have a family the cycle of abuse continues, and the family safe haven is basically broken.


This is so true. The family dynamic here is totally destroyed, it can never be the unbiased love siblings normally have for one another in a healthy union.


Not only the risk of mutated DNA resulting from a pregnancy, but the pyschologiccal ramifications are grave. This is family, someone he grew up with, his own flesh and blood.


You've been looking for opinions, but you haven't given us yours.


What do YOU think about it???

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Besides the sex, they're normal brother and sister.

That's like saying such and such is a nice guy except he likes to shoot people in the head on Wednesdays. How in the world did this all begin? Did they grow up together or meet up later in life like Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia? Well it's illegal but the most important thing is to make sure they are using massive protection and not have any kids.

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They both enjoy it and have no intentions of stopping, but he wants to know peoples thoughts on this.


Why does he want to know people's opinions on this? Is he in any doubt as to what 99% of people would think? Is he questioning the situation himself or is the interest simply peverse?

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Hm, this is interesting. How long has it been going on, because if she was young then this could be really damaging to her when she is older. I don't know if its more common there...but regardless, I think they're are deeper seated issues here. He seems like his morals are in question, and her sense of self worth and confidence. Was their abuse? And for getting to know the family...I would question if she was abused and has some weird ideals around sex and pleasing women. I'd run.

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This is totally wrong. Incest is not a trivial matter. Tell your friend to make a firm stand, and prevent any sexual relations with his sister in future. Not only are the end results damaging biologically, it can cause some serious damage psychologically.


He has to get out. Before it is all too late.

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