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she needs space/ Pregnant.


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This is for all the women. When you tell a man you need space does it mean you are done or that you just need time to think? What about if you are pregnant. Does it really mess your hormones up and maybe cause you to act irrationally? My ex made me leave and she is pregnant. She won't answer the phone for me or respond to emails. I was confused as to what I wanted and now I realize I want to marry her. There was never any abuse of any sorts just a man being indecisive and not knowing what he wants.

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Women are complicated. I guess they are more sencitive when pregnant, as they sometimes feel ugly or something. I don't know.. Never got pregnant - my knowledge comes from movies/tv.


Give her the space she wants I guess. One day surprise her with a romantic dinner in which you ask her to marry you. That would be cute.

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I don't know how pregnancy influences things. Never been there.


But there is part of me that (and I'm sorry, ladies) agrees that women are a bit more complicated than men. If a guy says he needs space, I believe him and walk away. But if a woman says it, it really depends on the woman. It's possible that she completely means it. I would. But it's also possible that she's pushing you to make some changes, and feels like pulling away is the only way to get your attention. This is especially true if she's wanting to get married. You refer to being indecisive, and I assume this has been part of the issue. (The child is yours, correct?)


It's also possible that you've been so indecisive that she's decided you're not worth the effort, and is trying to heal herself...without you.


But I have to say that I think it's not very nice of you to label her as irrational. It sounds like you haven't been clear about what you want, either, and that you decided only *after* she gave you the boot that you really want her back. Is that rational?


If you really want her back, send her a big ol' bunch of flowers and a heartfelt card explaining yourself. Beg a little. (But don't stalk her or scare her!)


But redhook--Be sure of your motives--don't go all gushy on her if you're not positive this is what you want...or next time it won't be so fuzzy about whether she really wants her space.

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I did not call her irrational. I simply asked if pregnancy can cause someone to act that way. Yes, I have been indecisive. Been married before for 7 years and she left me and cheated on me so I am a little scared of marriage. This women is not her though and thats what I had to figure out on my own. Also to stop worrying about the future and just go for it. I did send flowers and got no response.

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congradulations by the way ^_^


If you are the father, shouldn't you guys make up and shouldn't you be with her at all times? I mean asking her to marry you would make everything better


I don't know, I'm not experienced enough to help you 100%

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