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The Impossible


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So this is just a question why do we tend to fall in love with or crush on the impossible??


You know the bad guys the ones you know you should be with.


Or the ones you know are way out of your league and the chances of ever being with them are pretty much ... Nothing!

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Tthat is soooooo true!


I thinks it's the chalenge and also those guys usually are the hottest and the best thing to know in this case, is that those guys are really stupid meaning that it doesn't break your heart so much.


To answer your question... I don't really know. It will be interesting to see what replies there will be

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I think it may primarily be based on the impossible aspect of the idea. That we setup ourselves a challenge, that we realize cannot or is slim to none in terms of acheiving. If we sudden set ourselves on that individual whom we know we could just stroll right up to, there is no true chase I take it and is bland to a degree.


For myself, I constantly set myself up with crushes which success cannot be attained. It is more of a case of finding someone who fits my ideals perfectly first of all, but, then is unavailable to me for one reason or another. That seems to be another aspect in the whole mixture.


We all have a certain ideal, depending on the person it may either be the individual's personality traits which appear or strictly physical, even though they are perfect in our mind and technically would work, there is a hang up in the situation outside of our own control which causes it to then be deemed an impossible person to bother pursuing and we are left as the distant observers hoping that the particular hang up would go poof but it doesn't.

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I think it's the same reason that we like cute shoes a little better when we realize we can't possibly afford them. ...and a little less when we realize we can.


Yeah we women always go for the most expensive things, even though we can get the same thing in a chinese shop for 5 euros when the original is 25. We are veeeeery weird animals!

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Yeah we women always go for the most expensive things, even though we can get the same thing in a chinese shop for 5 euros when the original is 25. We are veeeeery weird animals!


yeah. sigh. and we drive prices up everywhere because of it. if only the guys got better and better, too.

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I know where you guys are coming from...My ex fiance and I resently broke up and I thought the world was over...of course 6 months later I still love him with all my heart but I've learned that i need to start dating. My ex may come back....but then again he might not.


So this guy I met last June who I hung out with only once....I spotted on myspace and sent him a message....He called me a week ago and said we should hang out some time...>AND remember this guy is WAYYYYY Out of my league.....So saturday he called to see if I was going to come hang with him when I got off work...I wasn't feeling well and was real tired so I told him I was sorry but I was just going to go to bed since I had to wake up early the next day to work...his reply...you could just stay here you know? And I was like Maybe next time...so he said FINE I dont want to hang out with you...he was only playing though it was the cutness in him.


He said he would call me the next time he was hanging out. So yesturday he called to see what I was doing....so he called 2 days in a row I went and hung with him for a while last night he said he would call me today...no news yet....but do you guys think he is just being friendly or do you think he might be interested...KEep in mind..>WAY OUT OF MY LEAGUE!!!

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why do you think he's way out of your league? you mean, physically? it's hard to know where you really fall in the spectrum, and different guys like different things. my ex, frankly, is super fantastic looking--people would compare him to hollywood stars all the time (i sound like such a huge dip--laugh) and i always knew i was at least a few rungs below him on the 1-10 scale. really, really gorgeous girls were always flirting with him. but who knows why, but he only had eyes for me, and always made me feel fantastic. i sure liked it! so, keep your hat in the ring. it sounds like he's interested in you. but you'll learn soon enough; wait and see if he calls again. keep us posted, eh? (oh, but make sure he's terrific on the inside, too! it lasts longer.)

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Why do we pick the "bad boys?" hmmm cause they seem like a heck of allot more fun. Or maybe we have the "florence nightengale syndrome" and we think we can fix em. Believe me LADIES.. there is not enough sand blasting, bondo, hutzbah or energy to fix em. You'll just run your tail in circles and be frustrated as heII. They do not change.


There's an old joke that says WOMEN get married with the hopes of changing thier spouse. And men get married with the hopes that she won't change. Both get sold a bill of goods.


Out of my League??? hmmmm... don't quite have that mentality that there is an "OUT OF MY LEAGUE" type guy.. you mean up a few rungs on the food chain???? Haven't met one that I've liked or that I've really felt a pull for. "OUT OF MY LEAGUE".. I remember in HS. And I let that one slip through my fingers... at the time, big big mistake. In retrospect and seeing him now.. . It was a darn good thinig THAT got away and I hadn't the balls to ask him out or drop more "AVAILBLE" hints to him. YIKES.

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Ok so he called me yesturday AHAHAHHA He makes me feel like I'm a lil girl with a big crush...GRR Anyways wanted to watch a movie so i called him when I got off and he was sleeping said he was sorry and that he would call me today......He sent me a text at 6:45 in the am...saying HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!! Then he asked me to come over and hang out later...I have to work so I said I could after work...WHATS IT ALL MEAN??? Just someone to hang with..maybe he is interested I DONT KNOW

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Ok so he called me yesturday AHAHAHHA He makes me feel like I'm a lil girl with a big crush...GRR Anyways wanted to watch a movie so i called him when I got off and he was sleeping said he was sorry and that he would call me today......He sent me a text at 6:45 in the am...saying HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!! Then he asked me to come over and hang out later...I have to work so I said I could after work...WHATS IT ALL MEAN??? Just someone to hang with..maybe he is interested I DONT KNOW


it means BINGO!

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