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Valentines Day Gift Advice Needed


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Okay, I made this poem for my boyfriend for Valentines Day...I know he'll like the idea because he is a very artistic person. Plus I don't really have any other idea of what he would like lol. The problem is it doesn't really seem to flow for me. It's an open poem, so it doesn't rhyme. But if you see anything that you think I could make better, could you please tell me? I want it to be perfect for him


It is impossible

To put into words

My feelings for you

Ever since the first day

I laid my eyes on you

I knew it was meant to be

Friends at first

Then it grew

Now I can't take

My eyes off you

Thoughts of you

Fill my head

Day in and day out

It almost scares me

How much I like you

And I keep wondering

How much do you like me?

I hope it's as much as I like you

But it seems almost impossible

To match my love

I keep thinking

You're the one

This is going to last

You fill my dreams

My every thought

I hope you don't take this

As me forcing you into anything

It's okay that you don't kiss me

I don't want to rush you into anything

Hugs are enough

I can't believe

How hard it is

To put into words how I feel

It's not that I don't want to kiss you…

It's just I like you enough

To not rush anything.

I hope you like me

As much as I like you

Happy Valentines Day


Thanks for any comments and advice.


- Melissa

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aw thanks fairie16 lmao im just really nervous about this because this is our first valentines day together we just started going out january 17 so its almost a month now


Lol, don't be nervous. It's really sweet.


Are you making the card as well?




Why don't you get a large picture frame....on one side, have the poem typed out in nice font, or hand written and then a picture of both of you next to it. Both framed

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Why don't you get a large picture frame....on one side, have the poem typed out in nice font, or hand written and then a picture of both of you next to it. Both framed


Ohhhh. I love it. Great idea fairie. I'm going to have to remember that so I can use it one day.


tranquil - Bet the smile on his face will be huge when he sees it.

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