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Stupidest woman alive....that's me

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Well, everyone, I have great news


I PASSED....yippee....


NJ, I am glad that I got it out of my system, he is such a jerk, and I do feel better. I still am upset that he is accusing me of hooking up with Scott. Why does he even care?? He doesn't think the relationship is worth working on. Oh well whatever, I told him what I had to say and I hope that I can move on.

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Your kind words helped my sad feelings feel a little lighter. I had woken up sad and confused about why he does this to me and why I let it affect me, but your post had me thinking better about myself on the way to my exam.


He doesn't trust me to really love him and not go with some other guy, so I cannot see that we will ever be back together. Thanks for the words of encouragement though.(slowly but surely it's sinking in that I am better off without him )



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You passed the exam by studying and doing this by yourself. This is a great day for you! This news has helped make my day good too! We all knew that you would do it!


It does take time to figure things out. Sometimes a friend helps along the way and sometimes they don't. I have found that having a mutual friend is more detrimental in my healing process because they are stuck in the middle and can't help but to "tell" the other person what is going on in your life. I think that it is better for the ex to not know at all what you are doing with your life. Let them wonder about you like you wonder about them. It sounds like Scott wants to help you and I think that you should let him, but I think that you and he should be careful discussing the ex and what to do.


This is a great day for you, and the rest of us that have been following your posts! You have made great strides today, keep that in mind and don't let anything get in the way!!


Keep right on going




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Does your ex know you're going on this trip?


Yes, he does, when we were on talking terms, he was going to look after my cat for me. It's funny every time I went home, he would get mad if I went out with my brother or my sisters because he was worried about other men or he would make snide comments about my ex bfs from home(like if they knew I was in town, would they look me up??). The vindictive part of me hopes that he has all these thoughts/doubts now and suffers for torturing me so much and for so long. (I know bad, bad me)


I am so happy to be going home to see family and friends, people who don't think badly of me.



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Well, you know what they say about people who make accusations about being unfaithful....they are usually doing it or thinking about doing it themselves. Guilty consciences. Don't worry about him while your away. Try to fill your time up with family and friends. Your ex is just going to have to deal with it...and let him think whatever he wants.

He may be an a-hole...or he may use this time to cool off....let's hope its the latter. I say block his email, and his phone number..so you won't have any unpleasant "surprises" when you return.

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Yes, I agree with echo.....


Have fun with friends and family. Try not to talk to much about the ex and your past relationship. They may ask you about it, but stick to the positive side of how you are doing. That is what they really want to hear and that is really why they ask. They love you and want to be sure that you are ok. They care about you and only you!!


Like echo says, cut him off now. Do what you can to do it. If somehow he does try, don't worry about it. It will be the same ole sh!t he has used before.


Have FUN!!


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